The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability

<p>The world has changed in the seventeen years since the controversial initial publication of Paul Hawken's <b>Ecology of Commerce</b>, a stirring treatise about the perceived antagonism between ecology and business. Yet Hawken's impassioned argument—that business both causes the most egregious abuses of the environment and, crucially, holds the most potential for solving our sustainability problems—is more relevant and resonant than ever.</p> <p>Containing updated and revised material for a new audience, <b>The Ecology of Commerce</b> presents a compelling vision of the restorative (rather than destructive) economy we must create, centered on eight imperatives:</p> <ul> <li>Reduce energy carbon emissions 80 percent by 2030 and total natural resource usage 80 percent by 2050.</li> <li>Provide secure, stable, and meaningful employment to people everywhere.</li> <li>Be self-organizing rather than regulated or morally mandated.</li> <li>Honor market principles.</li> <li>Restore habitats, ecosystems, and societies to their optimum.</li> <li>Rely on current income.</li> <li>Be fun and engaging, and strive for an aesthetic outcome.</li> </ul> <p>The bestselling author of Growing a Business presents a visionary new program which businesses can follow to help restore the planet. "A daring, urgent vision of a kind of 21st century Canaan that Hawken yet believes we can reach."--San Francisco Chronicle. </p>

Author(s): Paul Hawken  

ISBN 10: 0061252794
ISBN 13: 9780061252792
Pages: 224
Format: Paperback
Publication: October 2010
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Other books by Paul Hawken

1. Blessed Unrest Compact Disc (May 2007)
2. Blessed Unrest MP3 Book (May 2007)
3. Blessed Unrest Audio (May 2007)
4. Blessed Unrest MP3 on CD (September 2007)
5. Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being, and Why No One Saw It Coming Hardcover (2007)
6. Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World Paperback (April 2008)
7. Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability Paperback (August 1994)
8. Growing a Business Paperback (January 1988)
9. Growing a Business MP3 Book (October 1987)
10. Growing a Business Hardcover, 1987 (1987)
11. In earth's company Paperback (1998/05/14)
12. Inchpes Varel Sepakan Gortse Book (January 1993)
13. Natural capitalism
14. Natural Capitalism
15. The ecology of commerce (January 1994)
16. The ecology of commerce Hardcover (1993/11/01)
17. The Ecology of Commerce: How Business Can Save the Planet Paperback, 1995
18. The Magic of Findhorn (1975/05/01)
19. The Magic of Findhorn Paperback (July 1980)
20. The Magic of Findhorn (1976/08/30)

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