List of Popular Harvard Business Reviews Publications

List of Popular Harvard Business Reviews Publications

Books in list (122)

Title: HBR's 10 Must Reads

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422184059

Title: HBRs 10 Must Reads 2016

This book will inspire you to: * Tap into the new technologies that are changing the way businesses compete * Fuel performance by redesigning your organization’s practices around feedback * Learn techniques to move beyond intuition for ...
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633690806
Pages: 224

Title: Hbrs 10 Must Reads on Emotional Intelligence

This book will inspire you to: * Monitor and channel your moods and emotions * Make smart, empathetic people decisions * Manage conflict and regulate emotions within your team * React to tough situations with resilience * Better understand ...
Author(s): Harvard Business Review Daniel Goleman Richard E. Boyatzis Annie McKee Sydney Finkelstein
ISBN 13: 9781633690196
Pages: 208

Title: HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing (with featured article

NEW from the bestselling HBR’s 10 Must Reads series.
Stop pushing products—and start cultivating relationships with the right customers.

If you read nothing else on marketing that delivers competitive advantage, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you reinvent your marketing by putting it—and your customers—at the center of your business.

Leading experts such as Ted Levitt and Clayton Christensen provide the insights and advice you need to:

? Figure out what business you’re really in
? Create products that perform the jobs people need to get done
? Get a bird’s-eye view of your brand’s strengths and weaknesses
? Tap a market that’s larger than China and India combined
? Deliver superior value to your B2B customers
? End the war between sales and marketing

Looking for more Must Read articles from Harvard Business Review? Check out these titles in the popular series:
HBR’s 10 Must Reads: The Essentials HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Communication HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Collaboration HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Innovation HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Making Smart Decisions HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Teams

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422189887
Pages: 224

Title: HBR’s 10 Must-Reads On Leadership

Go from being a good manager to an extraordinary leader.

If you read nothing else on leadership, read these 10 articles (featuring “What Makes an Effective Executive,” by Peter F. Drucker). We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles on leadership and selected the most important ones to help you maximize your own and your organization's performance.

HBR's 10 Must Reads On Leadership will inspire you to:

- Motivate others to excel
- Build your team's self-confidence in others
- Provoke positive change
- Set direction
- Encourage smart risk-taking
- Manage with tough empathy
- Credit others for your success
- Increase self-awareness
- Draw strength from adversity

This collection of best-selling articles includes: featured article "What Makes an Effective Executive" by Peter F. Drucker, "What Makes a Leader?" "What Leaders Really Do," "The Work of Leadership," "Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?" "Crucibles of Leadership," "Level 5 Leadership: The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve," "Seven Transformations of Leadership," "Discovering Your Authentic Leadership," and "In Praise of the Incomplete Leader."

Author(s): Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422157978
Pages: 240

Title: HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself

The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror.

If you read nothing else on managing yourself, read these 10 articles (plus the bonus article “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton M. Christensen). We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles to select the most important ones to help you maximize yourself.

HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself will inspire you to:

Stay engaged throughout your 50+-year work life Tap into your deepest values Solicit candid feedback Replenish physical and mental energy Balance work, home, community, and self Spread positive energy throughout your organization Rebound from tough times Decrease distractibility and frenzy Delegate and develop employees' initiative

This collection of best-selling articles includes: bonus article “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton M. Christensen, "Managing Oneself," "Management Time: Who's Got the Monkey?" "How Resilience Works," "Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time," "Overloaded Circuits: Why Smart People Underperform," "Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life," "Reclaim Your Job," "Moments of Greatness: Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership," "What to Ask the Person in the Mirror," and "Primal Leadership: The Hidden Driver of Great Performance."

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422157992
Pages: 288

Title: HBR 20-Minute Manager Boxed Set (10 Books) (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

This 10-volume, specially priced boxed set makes a perfect gift for aspiring leaders who are short on time but need advice fast. Get up to speed fast on essential business skills.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633690950
Pages: 1244

Title: Difficult Conversations (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

You have to talk with a colleague about a fraught situation, but you’re worried that they’ll yell, or blame you, or shut down. You fear your emotions could block you from a resolution. But you can communicate in a way that’s constructive—not combative. Difficult Conversations walks you through: • Uncovering the root cause of friction • Maintaining a positive mind-set • Untangling the problem together • Agreeing on a way forward Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives—from the most trusted source in business.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633690783
Pages: 128

Title: HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategy

Is your company spending too much time on strategy development-with too little to show for it?

If you read nothing else on strategy, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you catalyze your organization's strategy development and execution.

This book will inspire you to:

Distinguish your company from rivals

Clarify what your company will-and won't-do

Craft a vision for an uncertain future

Create blue oceans of uncontested market space

Use the Balanced Scorecard to measure your strategy

Capture your strategy in a memorable phrase

Make priorities explicit

Allocate resources early

Clarify decision rights for faster decision making

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422157985
Pages: 288
This book is in (2) other book lists, learn more.

Title: HBR's 10 Must Reads on Communication (with featured article

NEW from the bestselling HBR’s 10 Must Reads series.
The best leaders know how to communicate clearly and persuasively. How do you stack up?

If you read nothing else on communicating effectively, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you express your ideas with clarity and impact—no matter what the situation.

Leading experts such as Deborah Tannen, Jay Conger, and Nick Morgan provide the insights and advice you need to:

? Pitch your brilliant idea—successfully
? Connect with your audience
? Establish credibility
? Inspire others to carry out your vision
? Adapt to stakeholders’ decision-making styles
? Frame goals around common interests
? Build consensus and win support

Looking for more Must Read articles from Harvard Business Review? Check out these titles in the popular series:
HBR’s 10 Must Reads: The Essentials HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Collaboration HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Innovation HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Making Smart Decisions HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Teams

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422189863
Pages: 208

Title: HBR’s 10 Must-Reads on Managing People

If you read nothing else on managing people, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you maximize your employees' performance.

This book will inspire you to:

Tailor your management styles to fit your people

Motivate with more responsibility, not more money

Support first-time managers

Build trust by soliciting input

Teach smart people how to learn from failure

Build high-performing teams

Manage your boss

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422158012
Pages: 240

Title: HBR's 10 Must Reads on Making Smart Decisions (with featured article

NEW from the bestselling HBR’s 10 Must Reads series.
Learn why bad decisions happen to good managers—and how to make better ones.

If you read nothing else on decision making, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you and your organization make better choices and avoid common traps.

Leading experts such as Ram Charan, Michael Mankins, and Thomas Davenport provide the insights and advice you need to:

? Make bold decisions that challenge the status quo
? Support your decisions with diverse data
? Evaluate risks and benefits with equal rigor
? Check for faulty cause-and-effect reasoning
? Test your decisions with experiments
? Foster and address constructive criticism
? Defeat indecisiveness with clear accountability

Looking for more Must Read articles from Harvard Business Review? Check out these titles in the popular series:
HBR’s 10 Must Reads: The Essentials HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Communication HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Collaboration HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Innovation HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Teams

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422189894
Pages: 192

Title: HBR Guides Boxed Set (7 Books) (HBR Guide Series)

Master your most pressing professional challenges with this seven-volume set that collects the smartest best practices from leading experts all in one place. HBR Guide to Better Business Writing and HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations help you perfect your communication skills; HBR Guide to Managing Up and Across and HBR Guide to Office Politics show you how to build the best professional relationships; HBR Guide to Finance Basics for Managers is the one book you’ll ever need to teach you about the numbers; HBR Guide to Project Management addresses tough questions such as how to manage stakeholder expectations and how to manage uncertainty in a complex project; and HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done goes beyond basic productivity tips to teach you how to prioritize and focus on your work. This specially priced set of the most popular books in the series makes a perfect gift for aspiring leaders looking for trusted advice. Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, from the most trusted brand in business. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633690936
Pages: 1504

Title: Creating Business Plans (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

A well-crafted business plan generates enthusiasm for your idea and boosts your odds of success—whether you’re proposing a new initiative within your organization or starting an entirely new company. Creating Business Plans quickly walks you through the basics. You’ll learn to: • Present your idea clearly • Develop sound financial plans • Project risks—and rewards • Anticipate and address your audience’s concerns Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives—from the most trusted source in business.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781625272225
Pages: 160

Title: Harvard Business Review 10 Must-Read Articles (Harvard Business Review Paperback Series)

Change is the one constant in business, and we must adapt or face obsolescence. Yet certain challenges never go away. That's what makes this book a "must read." These are 10 seminal articles by management's most influential experts, on topics of perennial concern to ambitious managers and leaders hungry for inspiration-and ready to run with big ideas to accelerate their own and their companies' success.

If you read nothing else-full stop-read:

Michael Porter on competitive advantage

John Kotter on leading change

Daniel Goleman on emotional intelligence

Peter Drucker on managing your career

Clay Christensen on disruptive innovation

Tom Davenport on analytics

Robert Kaplan and David Norton on the Balanced Scorecard

Rosabeth Moss Kanter on innovation

Ted Levitt on marketing

C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel on core competence

Author(s): Harvard Business Press
ISBN 13: 9781422133446
Pages: 240

Title: HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations


Terrified of speaking in front of a group? Or simply looking to polish your skills? No matter where you are on the spectrum, this guide will give you the confidence and the tools you need to get results.

Written by presentation expert Nancy Duarte, the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations will help you:

? Win over tough crowds
? Organize a coherent narrative
? Create powerful messages and visuals
? Connect with and engage your audience
? Show people why your ideas matter to them
? Strike the right tone, in any situation

Author(s): Nancy Duarte
ISBN 13: 9781422187104
Pages: 256

Title: HBR's 10 Must Reads on Innovation (with featured article

NEW from the bestselling HBR’s 10 Must Reads series.
To innovate profitably, you need more than just creativity. Do you have what it takes?

If you read nothing else on inspiring and executing innovation, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you innovate effectively.

Leading experts such as Clayton Christensen, Peter Drucker, and Rosabeth Moss Kanter provide the insights and advice you need to:

? Decide which ideas are worth pursuing
? Innovate through the front lines—not just from the top
? Adapt innovations from the developing world to wealthier markets
? Tweak new ventures along the way using discovery-driven planning
? Tailor your efforts to meet customers’ most pressing needs
? Avoid classic pitfalls such as stifling innovation with rigid processes

Looking for more Must Read articles from Harvard Business Review? Check out these titles in the popular series:
HBR’s 10 Must Reads: The Essentials HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Communication HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Collaboration HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Making Smart Decisions HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Teams

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422189856
Pages: 192

Title: Manager's Toolkit: The 13 Skills Managers Need to Succeed

This comprehensive guide is an essential primer for managers who seek to develop the skills and capabilities that will help them excel in a complex business world. From hiring and retaining good people to motivating and developing team members, from understanding key financial statements to delegating work effectively, and from setting goals for others to managing your own career, the actionable advice in this guide will help you stay at the top of your game.

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591392897
Pages: 352

Title: HBRs 10 Must Reads 2015

This book will inspire you to: * Lead by focusing your attention on the right things * Import new management practices into your organization the right way--whether they come from other companies or across the globe * Better manage your ...
Author(s): Harvard Business Review Daniel Goleman W. Chan Kim
ISBN 13: 9781633690219
Pages: 208

Title: Managing Oneself

We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity: with ambition, drive, and talent, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession regardless of where you started out. But with opportunity comes responsibility. Companies today aren't managing their knowledge workers careers. Instead, you must be your own chief executive officer. That means it's up to you to carve out your place in the world and know when to change course. And it's up to you to keep yourself engaged and productive during a career that may span some 50 years. In Managing Oneself, Peter Drucker explains how to do it. The keys: Cultivate a deep understanding of yourself by identifying your most valuable strengths and most dangerous weaknesses; Articulate how you learn and work with others and what your most deeply held values are; and Describe the type of work environment where you can make the greatest contribution. Only when you operate with a combination of your strengths and self-knowledge can you achieve true and lasting excellence. Managing Oneself identifies the probing questions you need to ask to gain the insights essential for taking charge of your career. Peter Drucker was a writer, teacher, and consultant. His 34 books have been published in more than 70 languages. He founded the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, and counseled 13 governments, public services institutions, and major corporations.
Author(s): Peter Drucker
ISBN 13: 9781422123126
This book is in (3) other book lists, learn more.

Title: Harvard Business Review on Finding & Keeping the Best People

Is your company's top talent jumping ship as good replacements become harder to get?

If you need the best practices and ideas for winning the race for talent-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are 11 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Look for good people in all the right places

Interview more effectively

Make-and keep-compelling promises to candidates and employees

Mitigate the risks of hiring stars from other companies

Coach and mentor to shore up commitment

Stretch promising employees' responsibilities

Rotate high performers into a variety of teams

Reverse the female brain drain

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162545
Pages: 304

Title: HBRs 10 Must Reads 2017

Revisit these topics now to make sure you’re incorporating the smartest, most up-to-date thinking in your organization, or keep this book as a reference so you can access these important pieces when you need them most.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633692091
Pages: 224

Title: Harvard Business Review on Thriving in Emerging Markets

If you need the best practices and ideas for gaining market share in developing economies-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Manage risk in unstable environments

Ward off political threats to your business

Customize your business model for emerging markets

Tailor your strategy to capitalize on countries' strengths

Gain ground on emerging giants

Compete in China's new high-tech market

Win the war for talent in developing economies

Serve the bottom of the pyramid profitably

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162637
Pages: 272

Title: HBR Guide to Managing Up and Across


To achieve your goals and get ahead, you need to rally people behind you and your ideas. But how do you do that when you lack formal authority? Or when you have a boss who gets in your way? Or when you’re juggling others’ needs at the expense of your own?

By managing up, down, and across the organization. Your success depends on it, whether you’re a young professional or an experienced leader.

The HBR Guide to Managing Up and Across will help you:

? Advance your agenda—and your career—with smarter networking
? Build relationships that bring targets and deadlines within reach
? Persuade decision makers to champion your initiatives
? Collaborate more effectively with colleagues
? Deal with new, challenging, or incompetent bosses
? Navigate office politics

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422187609
Pages: 208

Title: HBR Guide to Finance Basics for Managers

Can you prepare a breakeven analysis? Do you know the difference between an income statement and a balance sheet? Or understand why a business that's profitable can still go belly-up? Has your grasp of your company's numbers helped-or hurt-your career?

Whether you're new to finance or you just need a refresher, this go-to guide will give you the tools and confidence you need to master the fundamentals, as all good managers must.

The HBR Guide to Finance Basics for Managers will help you:

Learn the language of finance

Compare your firm's financials with rivals'

Shift your team's focus from revenues to profits

Assess your vulnerability to industry downturns

Use financial data to defend budget requests

Invest smartly through cost/benefit analysis

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422187302
Pages: 192

Title: How to Write a Great Business Plan

Author(s): William A. Sahlman
ISBN 13: 9781422121429

Title: HBR Guide to Project Management


How do you rein in the scope of your project when you’ve got a group of demanding stakeholders breathing down your neck? And map out a schedule everyone can stick to? And motivate team members who have competing demands on their time and attention?

Whether you’re managing your first project or just tired of improvising, this guide will give you the tools and confidence you need to define smart goals, meet them, and capture lessons learned so future projects go even more smoothly.

The HBR Guide to Project Management will help you:

? Build a strong, focused team
? Break major objectives into manageable tasks
? Create a schedule that keeps all the moving parts under control
? Monitor progress toward your goals
? Manage stakeholders’ expectations
? Wrap up your project and gauge its success

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422187296
Pages: 192

Title: Teaching Smart People How to Learn

Why are your smartest and most successful employees often the worst learners? Likely, they haven't had the opportunities for introspection that failure affords. So when they do fail, instead of critically examining their own behavior, they cast blame outward -- on anyone or anything they can.

In Teaching Smart People How to Learn, Chris Argyris sheds light on the forces that prevent highly skilled employees for learning from mistakes and offers suggestions for helping talented employees develop more productive responses.
Author(s): Chris Argyris
ISBN 13: 9781422126004
Pages: 72

Title: HBR Guide to Better Business Writing


When you’re fumbling for words and pressed for time, you might be tempted to dismiss good business writing as a nicety. But it’s a skill you must cultivate to succeed: You’ll lose time, money, and influence if your e-mails, proposals, and other important documents fail to win people over.

The HBR Guide to Better Business Writing, by writing expert Bryan A. Garner, gives you the tools you need to express your ideas clearly and persuasively so clients, colleagues, stakeholders, and partners will get behind them. This book will help you:

? Push past writer’s block
? Grab—and keep—readers’ attention
? Earn credibility with tough audiences
? Trim the fat from your writing
? Strike the right tone
? Brush up on grammar, punctuation, and usage

Author(s): Bryan A. Garner
ISBN 13: 9781422184035
Pages: 240

Title: Improving Business Processes (Pocket Mentor)

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781422129739

Title: HBR Guide to Coaching Employees

In the 'HBR Guide to Coaching Employees' you'll learn how to: Create realistic but inspiring plans for growth Ask the right questions to engage your employees in the development process Give them room to grapple with problems and discover ...
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781625275332
Pages: 208

Title: HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done

Your inbox is overflowing. You're paralyzed because you have too much to do but don't know where to start. Your to-do list never seems to get any shorter. You leave work exhausted but have little to show for it.

It's time to learn how to get the right work done.

In the HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done, you'll discover how to focus your time and energy where they will yield the greatest reward. Not only will you end each day knowing you made progress-Your improved productivity will set you apart from the pack.

Whether you're a new professional or an experienced one, this guide will help you:

Prioritize and stay focused

Work less but accomplish more

Stop bad habits and develop good ones

Break overwhelming projects into manageable pieces

Conquer e-mail overload

Write to-do lists that really work

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422187111
Pages: 208

Title: Harvard Business Review on Communicating Effectively

Customize your delivery for maximum persuasive power.

If you need the best practices and ideas for communicating effectively-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Pitch your brilliant idea-successfully

Connect with your audience

Establish credibility

Inspire others to realize your vision

Adapt to your listeners' decision-making styles

Frame goals around common interests

Build consensus and win concessions

Neutralize stressful conversations

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162514
Pages: 256

Title: Negotiation (Harvard Business Essentials Series)

Negotiation--whether brokering a deal, mediating a dispute, or writing up a contract--is both a necessary and challenging aspect of business life. This guide helps managers to sharpen their skills and become more effective deal makers in any situation.
Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591391111
This book is in (2) other book lists, learn more.

Title: HBR Guide to Managing Stress at Work

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422196014

Title: HBR's 10 Must Reads on Collaboration (with featured article

NEW from the bestselling HBR’s 10 Must Reads series.
Join forces with others inside and outside your organization to solve your toughest problems.

If you read nothing else on collaborating effectively, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you work more productively with people on your team, in other departments, and in other organizations.

Leading experts such as Daniel Goleman, Herminia Ibarra, and Morten Hansen provide the insights and advice you need to:

? Forge strong relationships up, down, and across the organization
? Build a collaborative culture
? Bust silos
? Harness informal knowledge sharing
? Pick the right type of collaboration for your business
? Manage conflict wisely
? Know when not to collaborate

Looking for more Must Read articles from Harvard Business Review? Check out these titles in the popular series:
HBR’s 10 Must Reads: The Essentials HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Communication HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Innovation HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Making Smart Decisions HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Teams

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422190128
Pages: 176

Title: Harvard Business Review on Leading Through Change

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781422102800

Title: Delegating Work (20-Minute Manager Series)

Walks you through the fundamentals of establishing a productive environment, assigning the right work to the right people, conducting an effective hand-off meeting, and monitoring without micromanaging.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781625272232
Pages: 92

Title: Time Management: Harvard Business Essentials

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591396338

Title: Harvard Business Review on Winning Negotiations

Persuade others to do what you want-for their own reasons.

If you need the best practices and ideas for making deals that work-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Seal or sweeten a bargain by uncovering the other side's motives

Conquer faulty assumptions to make the right deals

Forge deals only when they support your strategy

Set the stage for a healthy relationship long after the ink has dried

Make promises you can keep

Gain your adversaries' trust in high-stakes talks

Know when to walk away

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162576
Pages: 272

Title: Finance Basics (20-Minute Manager Series)

Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781625270856
Pages: 144

Title: HBR Guide to Office Politics

Whether you're a new professional or an experienced one, this guide will teach you how to: (1) Build relationships with difficult people, (2) gain allies and increase your sphere of influence, (3) wrangle resources, (4) move up without ...
Author(s): Karen Dillon
ISBN 13: 9781625275325
Pages: 208

Title: Harvard Business Review on Managing Supply Chains

If you need the best practices and ideas for making your supply chain strong and agile-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Use your supply chain as a competitive weapon

Gain customers' trust by revealing where your products come from

Collaborate with other companies-even rivals-to achieve scale

Make smart decisions about where to manufacture

Pick the most profitable supply chain for your products

Align partners' interests with your own

Revamp your supply chain to meet green goals

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162606
Pages: 240

Title: Harvard Business Review on Aligning Technology with Strategy

Most companies waste billions of dollars on technology. Don't be one of them.

If you need the best practices and ideas for unleashing technology's strategic potential-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are eight inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Clarify corporate strategy with your IT department

Fund only IT projects that support your strategy

Transform IT investments into profits

Build one technology platform for your entire organization

Adopt new technologies only when their best practices are established

Use analytics to make smart decisions at all levels of your company

Integrate social media into your business

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162477
Pages: 224

Title: HBR's 10 Must Reads on Teams (with featured article

NEW from the bestselling HBR’s 10 Must Reads series.
Most teams underperform. Yours can beat the odds.

If you read nothing else on building better teams, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you assemble and steer teams that get results.

Leading experts such as Jon Katzenbach, Teresa Amabile, and Tamara Erickson provide the insights and advice you need to:

? Boost team performance through mutual accountability
? Motivate large, diverse groups to tackle complex projects
? Increase your teams’ emotional intelligence
? Prevent decision deadlock
? Extract results from a bunch of touchy superstars
? Fight constructively with top-management colleagues

Looking for more Must Read articles from Harvard Business Review? Check out these titles in the popular series:
HBR’s 10 Must Reads: The Essentials HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Communication HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Collaboration HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Innovation HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leadership HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Making Smart Decisions HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422189870
Pages: 208

Title: Getting Work Done (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work you need to accomplish? Being pulled in different directions by competing priorities? Getting Work Done runs you through the basics of being more productive at work. You’ll learn to: • Align your schedule with your priorities • Focus your attention and avoid distractions • Create effective daily routines • Set boundaries and learn to say no Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives—from the most trusted source in business.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781625275431
Pages: 128

Title: Performance Reviews (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

Conducting performance reviews can be stressful. But these conversations are critical to your employees’ development, allowing you to formally communicate with them about their accomplishments relative to their goals. Performance Reviews guides you through the basics. You’ll learn to: • Gather and analyze the right information • Document your assessment • Address performance problems • Set challenging goals Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives—from the most trusted source in business
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633690066
Pages: 130

Title: Running Meetings

Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781625272256
Pages: 116

Title: Harvard Business Review on Advancing Your Career

Where do you want to go-and how will you get there?

If you need the best practices and ideas for achieving career growth and fulfillment-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are 11 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Break out of a career rut

Earn a spot on your company's high-potential list

Find out what's really holding you back

Get the kind of mentoring that leads to a promotion

Groom yourself for an external move

Turn the job you have into the job you want

Crack the code of C-suite entry

Take control of your career after being fired

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422172230
Pages: 224

Title: Harvard Business Review on Knowledge Management

The Harvard Business Review paperback series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. Here are the landmark ideas that have established the Harvard Business Reviewas required reading for ambitious businesspeople in organizations around the globe. The eight articles in Harvard Business Review on Knowledge Management highlight the leading-edge thinking and practical applications that are defining the field of knowledge management. Includes Peter Drucker's prophetic "The Coming of the New Organization" and Ikujiro Nonaka's "Knowledge-Creating Company." A Harvard Business Review Paperback.
Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9780875848815
Pages: 223

Title: Managing Projects: Expert Solutions to Everyday Challenges

When a new project is handed to them, readers can use this guide to help juggle the gamut of tasks required to get the job done. The handy tools and checklists offer guidance on how to:
  • Identify necessary resources
  • Develop schedules and set deadlines
  • Set and monitor budgets
  • Communicate progress and problems
Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781422101872
Pages: 100

Title: Strategy: Create and Implement the Best Strategy for Your Business (Harvard Business Essentials Series)

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591396321

Title: Developing a Business Case: Expert Solutions to Everyday Challenges

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781422129760

Title: HBR Guide to Building Your Business Case

To get any idea off the ground at your company you’ll have to make a strong case for it. This guide gives you the tools to do that.
Author(s): Raymond Sheen
ISBN 13: 9781633690028
Pages: 144

Title: HBR Guide to Delivering Effective Feedback (HBR Guide Series)

Take the stress out of giving feedback. To help your employees meet their goals and fulfill their potential, you need to provide them with regular feedback. But the prospect of sharing potentially negative news can be overwhelming. How do you construct your message so that it’s not only well received but also expressed in a way that encourages change? Whether you’re commending exemplary work or addressing problem behavior, the HBR Guide to Delivering Effective Feedback provides you with practical advice and tips to transform any performance discussion—from weekly check-ins to annual reviews—into an opportunity for growth and development. You’ll learn to: • Establish trust with your direct reports • Assess their performance fairly • Emphasize improvement, even in criticism • React calmly to a defensive feedback recipient • Recognize and motivate star performers • Create individualized development plans Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, from a source you trust. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633691643
Pages: 224

Title: HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Across Cultures

Put an end to miscommunication and inefficiency—and tap into the strengths of your diverse team. If you read nothing else on managing across cultures, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you manage culturally diverse employees, whether they’re dispersed around the world or you’re working with a multicultural team in a single location. This book will inspire you to: • Develop your cultural intelligence • Overcome conflict on a team where cultural norms differ • Adopt a common language for more efficient communication • Use the diverse perspectives of your employees to find new business opportunities • Take varying cultural practices into account when resolving ethical issues • Accommodate and plan for your expatriate employees This collection of articles includes "Cultural Intelligence," by P. Christopher Earley and Elaine Mosakowski; "Managing Multicultural Teams," by Jeanne Brett, Kristin Behfar, and Mary C. Kern; "L'Oreal Masters Multiculturalism," by Hae-Jung Hong and Yves Doz; "Making Differences Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity," by David A. Thomas and Robin J. Ely; "Navigating the Cultural Minefield," by Erin Meyer; "Values in Tension: Ethics Away from Home," by Thomas Donaldson; "Global Business Speaks English," by Tsedal Neeley; "10 Rules for Managing Global Innovation," by Keeley Wilson and Yves L. Doz; "Lost in Translation," by Fons Trompenaars and Peter Woolliams; and "The Right Way to Manage Expats," by J. Stewart Black and Hal B. Gregersen.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633691629
Pages: 176

Title: Harvard Business Review on Succeeding as an Entrepreneur

Great entrepreneurs don't take risks. They manage them.

If you need the best practices and ideas for launching new ventures-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are nine inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Zero in on your most promising prospects

Set a clear direction for your start-up

Test and revise your assumptions along the way

Tackle risks that could sabotage your efforts

Carve out opportunities in emerging markets

Launch a start-up within your company

Hand over the reins when it's time

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422172247
Pages: 208

Title: Business Communication (Harvard Business Essentials Series)

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591391135

Title: HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Across Cultures

Put an end to miscommunication and inefficiency—and tap into the strengths of your diverse team. If you read nothing else on managing across cultures, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you manage culturally diverse employees, whether they’re dispersed around the world or you’re working with a multicultural team in a single location. This book will inspire you to: • Develop your cultural intelligence • Overcome conflict on a team where cultural norms differ • Adopt a common language for more efficient communication • Use the diverse perspectives of your employees to find new business opportunities • Take varying cultural practices into account when resolving ethical issues • Accommodate and plan for your expatriate employees This collection of articles includes "Cultural Intelligence," by P. Christopher Earley and Elaine Mosakowski; "Managing Multicultural Teams," by Jeanne Brett, Kristin Behfar, and Mary C. Kern; "L'Oreal Masters Multiculturalism," by Hae-Jung Hong and Yves Doz; "Making Differences Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity," by David A. Thomas and Robin J. Ely; "Navigating the Cultural Minefield," by Erin Meyer; "Values in Tension: Ethics Away from Home," by Thomas Donaldson; "Global Business Speaks English," by Tsedal Neeley; "10 Rules for Managing Global Innovation," by Keeley Wilson and Yves L. Doz; "Lost in Translation," by Fons Trompenaars and Peter Woolliams; and "The Right Way to Manage Expats," by J. Stewart Black and Hal B. Gregersen.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633691629
Pages: 176

Title: HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change

If you read nothing else on change, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you spearhead change in your organization.

This book will inspire you to:

Lead change through eight critical stages

Establish a sense of urgency

Overcome addiction to the status quo

Mobilize commitment

Silence naysayers

Minimize the pain of change

Concentrate resources

Motivate change when business is good

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422158005
Pages: 224

Title: HBR Guide to Getting the Mentoring You Need

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422196007

Title: Harvard Business Review on Corporate Responsibility

Author(s): HARBS
ISBN 13: 9781591392743

Title: Innovative Teams (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

Don’t leave creativity up to the “creatives” in your organization. Fostering creativity within your team can help your organization solve problems, create innovative products, break out into a new market, and even communicate and collaborate more effectively. Innovative Teams shows you how to: • Create the right environment for inventive thinking • Build a diverse team • Generate a wide array of new ideas • Manage disagreements • Make sure your ideas actually get implemented Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives—from the most trusted source in business.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633690042
Pages: 130

Title: Managing Your Boss

Author(s): John J. Gabarro
ISBN 13: 9781422122884

Title: HBR Guide to Negotiating

Using a seven-part framework, this book delivers tips and advice to move you from a game of concessions and compromises to one of collaboration and creativity, resulting in better outcomes and better working relationships.
Author(s): Jeff Weiss
ISBN 13: 9781633690769
Pages: 192

Title: Harvard Business Review on Increasing Customer Loyalty

How do you keep your customers coming back-and get them to bring others?

If you need the best practices and ideas for making your customers loyal and profitable-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are nine inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Turn angry customers into loyal advocates

Get more people to recommend you

Boost customer satisfaction by satisfying your employees

Focus on profitable customers-whether they're loyal or not

Invest in the right CRM technology for your business

Mine customer data for more effective marketing

Increase your customers' lifetime value

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162521
Pages: 240

Title: Harvard Business Essentials: Coaching and Mentoring

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591394358

Title: HBR Guide to Leading Teams

Team expert Mary Shapiro offers step-by-step advice, drawing on time-tested principles, practical exercises, guidelines for structured team conversations, and examples from a range of industries and organizational settings.
Author(s): Mary Shapiro
ISBN 13: 9781633690417
Pages: 176

Title: Harvard Business Review on Making Smart Decisions

If you need the best practices and ideas for smart decision making-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Make bold decisions that challenge the status quo

Support your decisions with diverse data

Avoid choices that justify past bad decisions

Evaluate risks and benefits with equal rigor

Check for faulty cause-and-effect reasoning

Test your decisions with experiments

Foster and address constructive criticism

Defeat indecisiveness with clear accountability

Root out unconscious prejudices

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422172391
Pages: 272

Title: HBR Classics: The Discipline of Teams

Author(s): Jon R. Katzenbach
ISBN 13: 9781422179758

Title: Harvard Business Essentials: Marketer's Toolkit

Effective marketing can mean the difference between runaway successes and costly flops. Covering everything from customer programs to ad campaigns to sales promotions, this is every marketer’s hands-on guide to turning opportunities into profits.

The Harvard Business Essentials series is designed to provide comprehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Whether you are a new manager seeking to expand your skills or a seasoned professional looking to broaden your knowledge base, these solution-oriented books put reliable answers at your fingertips.

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591397625
Pages: 230

Title: Managing Up (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

Your boss plays an important role in your career. So how do you navigate this delicate, significant professional relationship without playing political games or compromising your character? Managing Up offers concise, expert tips on: • Understanding your manager’s priorities and pressures • Setting a positive tone for the relationship • Managing expectations—and egos • Earning trust and respect Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives—from the most trusted source in business.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781625270849
Pages: 96

Title: Harvard Business Review on Becoming a High-Performance Manager

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591391296

Title: Harvard Business Review on Strategic Alliances

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591391333

Title: How to Run a Meeting

Author(s): Antony Jay
ISBN 13: 9781422147900

Title: Harvard Business Review on Pricing

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781422146583

Title: Harvard Business Review on Strategic Alliances

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591391333

Title: Harvard Business School on Doing Business in China

All eyes are on China. Home to a quarter of the world's population, China's rapid growth, expanding openness, and developing consumer market have made the region a hotbed of opportunity-and risk-for today's multinationals.

Harvard Business Review on Doing Business in China offers a timely and insightful analysis of what it will take to successfully do business in twenty-first-century China. Featuring eight articles, each written by experts in Chinese business and culture, HBR on Doing Business in China explores issues including:

-The possibilities and pitfalls multinationals face in the newly opened Chinese domestic market

-The unique cultural and social factors that govern the buying preferences of Chinese consumers

-The deep-seated cultural traditions Westerners must understand to negotiate successfully with the Chinese

-The emergence of Chinese brands as powerful rivals in the global market

-Strategies for entering and winning in China as competition- both local and global-heats up

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591396383
Pages: 204

Title: Harvard Business Review on Culture and Change

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781578518364

Title: Crisis Management Master the Skills to Prevent Disasters

Author(s): Harvard Business School
ISBN 13: 9781591394372

Title: Harvard Business Review on Building Better Teams

Most teams underperform. Yours can beat the odds.

If you need the best practices and ideas for superior team building-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Boost team performance through mutual accountability

Motivate large, diverse groups to tackle complex projects

Increase groups' emotional intelligence

Reverse the fortunes of a struggling team

Prevent decision deadlock

Extract results from a bunch of touchy superstars

Fight constructively with top-management colleagues

Ensure productivity in far-flung teams

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162347
Pages: 240

Title: Giving Effective Feedback (20-Minute Manager Series)

Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781625275424
Pages: 96

Title: One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees?

Author(s): Frederick Herzberg
ISBN 13: 9781422125991

Title: Harvard Business Review on Mergers and Acquisitions

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781578515554

Title: Harvard Business Review on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (a Harvard Business Review Paperback)

The Harvard Business Review Paperback Series brings managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. Gathered in a highly accessible format are the leading minds and landmark ideas that have established the Harvard Business Review as required reading for forward-thinking businesspeople worldwide.

Managers at every level, and in every industry, must balance various working styles, build efficient management teams, and develop sharp negotiation skills to remain competitive. Harvard Business Review on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution offers a selection of the best thinking on negotiation practice and managing conflict in organizational settings.

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781578512362
Pages: 228

Title: HBR Guide to Making Every Meeting Matter (HBR Guide Series)

Meetings. They hold such promise for moving your business forward, but they rarely deliver. We all know the steps we’re supposed to take to run an effective meeting, but we seldom follow them. Why? Perhaps it just doesn’t seem worth the time to pinpoint what we want to accomplish, craft an agenda, handpick participants, issue prework, and, after the meeting, send out notes summarizing key decisions and next steps. But meeting preparation and follow-up is time well spent. This guide offers practical tips to make your meetings easier to prepare for, more enjoyable to run, and more productive. In time, these steps will become so ingrained you won’t be able to imagine running a meeting any other way. You’ll learn how to: • determine whether you even need to meet • manage basic meeting prep • orchestrate group decision making • get the most out of web- and phone-conferencing tools • cope with chronic latecomers, windbags, and other common problems • turn a bad meeting around • keep the momentum going with prompt meeting follow-up • develop a reputation for running great meetings Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, from a source you trust. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633692176
Pages: 144

Title: Running Virtual Meetings (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

From crackly conference lines to pixelated video, virtual meetings can be problematic. But you can host a productive conversation in which everyone participates. Running Virtual Meetings takes you through the basics of: • Selecting the right virtual venue • Giving participants the information and support they need to connect and contribute • Establishing and enforcing a common meeting etiquette • Following up from afar Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives—from the most trusted source in business.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633691490
Pages: 144

Title: Performance Management: Measure and Improve the Effectiveness of Your Employees

Today’s competitive workplace demands that managers evaluate employee performance, and provide coaching. Performance Management will help managers prepare for a formal performance meeting with a direct report, and create a development plan to increase employee productivity.

The Harvard Business Essentials series is designed to provide comprehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Whether you are a new manager seeking to expand your skills or a seasoned professional looking to broaden your knowledge base, these solution-oriented books put reliable answers at your fingertips.

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591398424
Pages: 153

Title: Harvard Business Review on Rebuilding Your Business Model

If you need the best practices and ideas for creating business models that drive growth-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Reinvent your business profitably

Set your model up for success with a winning competitive strategy

Test and change your assumptions about customers

Spot trends that could transform your business

Exploit disruptive technologies

Give traditional offerings a shot in the arm

Produce game changers for your industry or market

Build a new business in an established organization

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162620
Pages: 288

Title: Finance for Managers (Harvard Business Essentials Series): Your Guide and Mentor to Doing Business Effectively

Calculating and assessing the overall financial health of the business is an important part of any managerial position. Easy to use and nontechnical, Finance for Managers provides the fundamentals of financial literacy and offers managers the smart advice they need to increase their impact on financial planning, budgeting, and forecasting.
Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781578518760
Pages: 224

Title: Harvard Business Review on Fixing Healthcare from Inside & Out

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162583

Title: Presentations (20-Minute Manager Series)

Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781625270863
Pages: 112

Title: Essentials of Strategy

In an age of stiffening competition, everyone in an organization must develop a strategic mind-set by understanding the company’s competitive strategy and helping the firm execute it. In this essential resource, readers will find guidelines for creating the HR initiatives, policies, and departmental structures that will ensure success.
Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591398226
Pages: 323

Title: Harvard Business Review on Greening Your Business Profitably

Protect the earth and your bottom line.

If you need the best practices and ideas for turning sustainability into competitive advantage-but don't have time to find them-this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

Craft strategy to compete on green turf

Redesign your business model, products, and processes to achieve green goals

Parlay your efforts into lower costs and higher revenues

Capture more value from clean-tech investments

Launch sustainability programs with impact

Synchronize green initiatives by overhauling your supply chain

Engage constructively with environmental activist groups

Mitigate the risks of climate change

Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781422162569
Pages: 272

Title: Harvard Business Review on Work and Life Balance (Harvard Business Review Paperback Series)

Leading Minds and Landmark Ideas In An Easily Accessible Format

From the preeminent thinkers whose work has defined an entire field to the rising stars who will redefine the way we think about business, The Harvard Business Review Paperback Series delivers the fundamental information today's professionals need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world.

With articles ranging from an in-depth look at the "mommy-track" to perspectives on telecommuting, this book will help HR professionals and employees at all levels understand the oftentimes delicate balance between our professional and personal lives.

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781578513284
Pages: 232

Title: Innovation Killers: How Financial Tools Destroy Your Capacity to Do New Things (Harvard Busi...

Author(s): Clayton M. Christensen
ISBN 13: 9781422136553

Title: Essentials Of Finance And Budgeting

Author(s): Business Literacy
ISBN 13: 9781591395720

Title: Harvard Business Essentials: Entrepreneur's Toolkit: Tools and Techniques to Launch and Grow Your New Business

This guide will help managers survive and thrive in their new ventures. Beginning with the basics of writing a business plan, this wide-ranging resource moves on to cover topics that will ensure the success of a new venture.

The Harvard Business Essentials series is designed to provide comprehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Whether you are a new manager seeking to expand your skills or a seasoned professional looking to broaden your knowledge base, these solution-oriented books put reliable answers at your fingertips.

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591394365
Pages: 258

Title: Managing Creativity and Innovation (Harvard Business Essentials Series)

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781591391128

Title: Right Game: Use Game Theory to Shape Strategy

Since 1922, Harvard Business Review has been a leading source of breakthrough management ideas-many of which still speak to and influence us today. The Harvard Business Review Classics series now offers readers the opportunity to make these seminal pieces a part of your permanent management library. Each highly readable volume contains a groundbreaking idea that continues to shape best practices and inspire countless managers around the world-and will have a direct impact on you today and for years to come.

Business is like war: The best combatant wins while the worst loses, right? Not necessarily. Companies can succeed spectacularly without destroying others. And they can lose miserably after competing well.

Exceptional businesses win by actively shaping the game they're playing, not playing the game they find. The Right Game shows you how to do this-by altering who's competing, what value each player brings to the table, and which rules and tactics players use.

Author(s): Adam Brandenburger
ISBN 13: 9781422138465
Pages: 104

Title: The Case Study Handbook : How to Read, Discuss, and Write Persuasively about Cases

A best-seller in its previous editions, Scale Development: Theory and Applications, Third Edition has been extensively updated and revised to address changes in the field and topics that have grown in importance. Widely adopted for graduate courses in departments such as Psychology, Public Health, Marketing, Nursing, and Education, this book will prove beneficial to applied researchers across the social sciences.

Author(s): William C. Ellet
ISBN 13: 9781422101582
Pages: 288

Title: The Virtual Manager Collection (3 Books) (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

Today we have greater control over where and when we work. As our businesses spread across the world and technology makes it easy to do our jobs from anywhere there’s Wi-Fi, more of us have the option to go remote. But that doesn’t mean we’re good at it. Whether you’re calling in from a home office every day or one of your team members occasionally logs in from the quiet car on a train, distance can make collaboration more difficult. Remote work gives teams flexibility and options, but when you’re not face-to-face with colleagues, it’s difficult to set and manage expectations, deal with inevitable tech glitches, keep your people (and yourself) motivated and engaged, and infuse warmth and personality into the blunt communication tools you’re using. The Virtual Manager Collection gives you the solutions you need to be productive, whether you’re managing a team, a project, or just your own work. This specially priced three-volume set includes Virtual Collaboration, Running Virtual Meetings, and Leading Virtual Teams. Tips and strategies cover: • getting your technology up and running—and keeping it there • building and maintaining relationships from afar • communicating well through a variety of media • running productive virtual meetings • setting and managing expectations for your work • leading geographically dispersed teams This set has the practical advice, insights, and tools you need to work well, no matter where you are. Don’t have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR’s 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives-from the most trusted source in business.
Author(s): Harvard Business Review
ISBN 13: 9781633692374
Pages: 432

Title: Harvard Business Review on Leadership

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9780875848839

Title: Marketing Myopia

What business is your company really in? That's a question all executives should all ask before demand for their firm's products or services dwindles.

In Marketing Myopia, Theodore Levitt offers examples of companies that became obsolete because they misunderstood what business they were in and thus what their customers wanted. He identifies the four widespread myths that put companies at risk of obsolescence and explains how business leaders can shift their attention to customers' real needs instead.
Author(s): Levitt, Ted , Levitt, Theordore , Levitt, Theodore
ISBN 13: 9781422126011
Pages: 90

Title: Harvard Business Review on Effective Communication

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781578511433

Title: Harvard Business Review on Making Smarter Decisions

Author(s): Hbsp
ISBN 13: 9781422114933

Title: Harvard Business Review on Managing People

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9780875849072

Title: HBR Case Studies: Keeping Strategy on Track

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781422114698

Title: Harvard Business Review on Business Model Innovation

It takes more than a good product to keep a company successful-it takes a strong business model. Whether you're leading an established corporation or launching a new startup, you need to have the right structure in place to reach your goals. With this collection of HBR articles, you'll learn how to establish the business model you need to succeed and execute transformational growth for your business.

Introducing the Harvard Business IdeaCast, a free weekly podcast from Harvard Business Publishing featuring interviews with the leading thinkers in management. To listen or subscribe, visit or search for "Harvard Business IdeaCast" on iTunes.

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781422133422
Pages: 224

Title: Harvard Business Review on Turnarounds

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781578516360

Title: Creating a Business Plan: Expert Solutions to Everyday Challenges

Every business needs a business plan a plan to meet the expected and unexpected opportunities and obstacles the future holds. This book will help you take a long, hard look at each element of the plan and show you how to communicate the right message to the right people, and maximize the chances of getting your business launched.

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781422118856
Pages: 144

Title: Groundswell

It's an unstoppable groundswell that affects every industry yet it's still utterly foreign to most companies running things now.
Author(s): Charlene Li;Josh Bernoff
ISBN 13: 9781422161982
Pages: 332
This book is in (2) other book lists, learn more.

Title: The Experience Economy

Author(s): Pine, B. Joseph,
ISBN 13: 9781422161975

Title: Harvard Business Review on Finding and Keeping the Right People

The Harvard Business Review Paperback Series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. From the preeminent thinkers whose work has defined an entire field to the rising stars who will redefine the way we think about business, here are the leading minds and landmark ideas that have established the Harvard Business Review as required reading for ambitious businesspeople in organizations around the globe. Harvard Business Review on Finding & Keeping the Best People is a collection of cutting-edge articles that will help organizations understand how best to hire and retain their top employees in today's fiercely competitive job market. The articles provide the reader with perspectives not only on how to hire and retain people, but also why employees leave and how to utilize their skills even after they're gone.
Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9781578515561
Pages: 221

Title: Harvard Business Review on Managing Uncertainty

Author(s): Harvard Business School Press
ISBN 13: 9780875849089

Title: 7 Paths to Managerial Leadership

Use this guide to identify your leadership style, along with its benefits and shortcomings, and learn how to build on your strengths to inspire those you lead to have confidence in themselves. Be sure to read this one with a pencil in hand!
Author(s): Fred MacKenzie
ISBN 13: 9781562869458
Pages: 136


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