Planetfall: New Solar System Visions

Collects the best astronomical photographs from the various interplanetary spacecraft that have traversed the solar system, including images of the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Thanks to the photographic output of a small squadron of interplanetary spacecraft, we have awakened to the beauty and splendor of the solar system. Since Michael Benson’s masterful book Beyond: Visions of the Interplanetary Probes, new, more powerful cameras in probes with greatly improved maneuverability have traversed the wheeling satellites of Jupiter; roamed the boulder-strewn red deserts of Mars; studied Saturn’s immaculate rings; and shown us our own ravishing Earth, a blue-white orb with a disturbingly thin atmosphere, as it plunges deeper into ecological crisis. These new images are the subject of Benson’s Planetfall, a truly revelatory book that uses its large page size to reproduce the greatest achievements in contemporary planetary photography as never before.

Author(s): Michael Benson  

ISBN 10: 1419704222
ISBN 13: 9781419704222
Pages: 204
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Other books by Michael Benson

1. Beyond: A Solar System Voyage
2. Beyond: Visions Of The Interplanetary Probes
3. Far Out: A Space-Time Chronicle

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