Beyond: A Solar System Voyage

Presents the solar system from the perspective of the space probes sent to explore the heavens. Discover what the solar system looks like up close in this definitive collection of space exploration images. Since the 1960s, NASA has been sending unmanned satellites to explore the planets, moons, and sun. These probes have amassed a stunning visual record of other worlds, revealing not one but scores of new frontiers, from rust-red Mars to Saturn with its ethereal rings. Michael Benson has pulled together the most spectacular of these images into a volume that focuses on the awesome appearance of these celestial bodies. He discusses what the photos actually reveal about the places in simple language children will understand. The book includes a glossary, a bibliography, and an index.

Author(s): Michael Benson  

ISBN 10: 0810983222
ISBN 13: 9780810983229
Pages: 128
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Other books by Michael Benson

1. Beyond: Visions Of The Interplanetary Probes
2. Far Out: A Space-Time Chronicle
3. Planetfall: New Solar System Visions

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