Pastelist's Year: Painting the Four Seasons in Pastel

From an expert painter of pastels, here are hundreds of proven ways to capture the glory and color of the seasons. The palette and soft motifs of pastels are perfect for capturing the beauty of nature in every phase of the year. Now every artist can learn how to use them like the professionals.

In The Pastelist's Year: Painting the Four Seasons In Pastel, Master Pastelist Elizabeth Mowry demonstrates, step by step, how to paint pastels that distinctly capture the mood, color, and majesty of the four seasons. Whether you're a novice artist or seasoned professional, The Pastelist's Year has something to offer anyone who loves to create beautiful art.

Author(s): Elizabeth Mowry  

ISBN 10: 0823039358
ISBN 13: 9780823039357
Pages: 160
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