Leopardi: Selected Poems

These translations of the major poems of Giacomo Leopardi (1798—1837) render into modern English verse the work of a writer who is widely regarded as the greatest lyric poet in the Italian literary tradition. In spite of this reputation, and in spite of a number of nineteenth-and twentieth-century translations, Leopardi's poems have never "come over" into English in such a way as to guarantee their author a recognition comparable to that of other great European Romantic poets.

By catching something of Leopardi's cadences and tonality in a version that still reads as idiomatic modern English (with an occasional Irish or American accent), Leopardi: Selected Poems should win for the Italian poet the wider appreciative audience he deserves. His themes are mutability, landscape, love; his attitude, one of unflinching realism in the face of unavoidable human loss. But the manners of the poems are a unique amalgam of philosophical toughness and the lyrically bittersweet. In a way more pure and distilled than most others in the Western tradition, these poems are truly what Matthew Arnold asked all poetry to be, a "criticism of life." The translator's aim is to convey something of the profundity and something of the sheer poetic achievement of Leopardi's inestimable Canti.

Author(s): Giacomo Leopardi  

ISBN 10: 0691016445
ISBN 13: 9780691016443
Pages: 104
Format: Paperback
Publication: May 1997
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Other books by Giacomo Leopardi

1. "Tutto è nulla: Antologia dello ""Zibaldone di pensieri"" (Classici della BUR)" (1997)
2. Appendice All' Epistolario E Agli Scritti Giovanili Paperback - Italian (August 2011)
3. Appendice All' Epistolario E Agli Scritti Giovanili Di Giacomo Leopardi Paperback - Italian (January 2012)
4. Canti (9/22/2012)
5. Canti Paperback - Italian (January 2013)
6. Canti Paperback - Italian (February 2012)
7. Canti (Biblioteca universale Laterza) (Italian Edition) (January 1987)
8. Canti Di Giacomo Leopardi (1860) Paperback - Italian (March 2010)
9. Canti E Versioni Paperback - Italian (August 2011)
10. Canti E Versioni Di Giacomo Leopardi Paperback - Italian (March 2010)
11. Canti E Versioni Di Giacomo Leopardi Paperback - Italian (September 2010)
12. Canti Scelti Paperback - Italian (March 2010)
13. Canti Scelti, Batracomiomachia Ed Estratto Dal Paralipomeni Con Commenti del Raffaello Fornaciari... Paperback - Italian (March 2012)
14. Canti... Paperback - Italian (February 2012)
15. Canti... Paperback (September 2011)
16. Canti: A Bilingual Edition Hardcover (October 2010)
17. Canti: The Poems of Leopardi (9/29/2009)
18. Cantos - Edicion Bilingue Paperback (2007/06/30)
19. Cantos - Leopardi Giacomo (2000/07/01)
20. Cantos y Pensamientos Hardcover (2006)

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