
Published for the first time in 1831, and here presented in a dual-language edition with some of his lesser-known unpublished poems, Leopardi's poetical masterpiece is an unsurpassed anatomy of man's unhappiness on earth. Trapped between an admiration for the classical past and a disappointment in the impoverished present, Leopardi rejected both the easy allure of Catholic faith and the unbridled optimism proposed by science and the Enlightment. In his world view, all that we love and value is illusion, the truth existing deep in our minds and souls as poignant memories, unrequited passion, and stoical acceptance of nature's bleak elementals. Leopardi's unflinching pessimism and existential resolve, here brilliantly rendered in verse by prize-winning translator J.G. Nichols, make him the most fascinating and best loved of the Italian poets.

Author(s): Giacomo Leopardi  

ISBN 10: 887417182X
ISBN 13: 9788874171828
Publication: 9/22/2012
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Other books by Giacomo Leopardi

1. "Tutto è nulla: Antologia dello ""Zibaldone di pensieri"" (Classici della BUR)" (1997)
2. Appendice All' Epistolario E Agli Scritti Giovanili Paperback - Italian (August 2011)
3. Appendice All' Epistolario E Agli Scritti Giovanili Di Giacomo Leopardi Paperback - Italian (January 2012)
4. Canti Paperback - Italian (January 2013)
5. Canti Paperback - Italian (February 2012)
6. Canti (Biblioteca universale Laterza) (Italian Edition) (January 1987)
7. Canti Di Giacomo Leopardi (1860) Paperback - Italian (March 2010)
8. Canti E Versioni Paperback - Italian (August 2011)
9. Canti E Versioni Di Giacomo Leopardi Paperback - Italian (March 2010)
10. Canti E Versioni Di Giacomo Leopardi Paperback - Italian (September 2010)
11. Canti Scelti Paperback - Italian (March 2010)
12. Canti Scelti, Batracomiomachia Ed Estratto Dal Paralipomeni Con Commenti del Raffaello Fornaciari... Paperback - Italian (March 2012)
13. Canti... Paperback - Italian (February 2012)
14. Canti... Paperback (September 2011)
15. Canti: A Bilingual Edition Hardcover (October 2010)
16. Canti: The Poems of Leopardi (9/29/2009)
17. Cantos - Edicion Bilingue Paperback (2007/06/30)
18. Cantos - Leopardi Giacomo (2000/07/01)
19. Cantos y Pensamientos Hardcover (2006)
20. Cantos/ Poem Paperback (June 2009)

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