Khufu's Wisdom

<p>At the center of <b>Khufu’s Wisdom</b><i>,</i> Nobel laureate Naguib Mahfouz’s majestic first novel, is the legendary Fourth Dynasty monarch Khufu (Cheops), for whom the Great Pyramid of Giza was built.</p> <p>&nbsp;When a seer prophesies the end of Khufu’s dynasty and the ascension to the throne of Djedefra, son of the High Priest of Ra, the pharaoh must battle to preserve his legacy against the will of the Fates. But in the face of the inexorable attraction between Djedefra and Princess Meresankh, Khufu’s beautiful daughter, Khufu must consider not only his personal ambition and the opposing decree of the heavens, but also how the wisdom he prides himself on as a ruler will guide him in determining the fate of his daughter’s heart.</p> <p>Translated by Raymond Stock</p>

Author(s): Naguib Mahfouz  

ISBN 10: 1400076676
ISBN 13: 9781400076673
Pages: 240
Format: Paperback
Publication: August 2005
Edition: Reprint
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Other books by Naguib Mahfouz

1. Adrift on the Nile Paperback (1994/02/01)
2. Adrift on the Nile Paperback (1994/05/26)
3. Akhenaten , Dweller in Truth Paperback (2001)
4. Akhenaten : Dweller in Truth Hardcover (12/1/1999)
5. Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth Paperback (April 2000)
6. Akhenaton Le Renegat Paperback - French (June 2000)
7. Arabian Nights and Days (January 2001)
8. Arabian Nights and Days : A Novel Paperback (1995/10/01)
9. Before the Throne Hardcover (November 2009)
10. Before the Throne Paperback (July 2012)
11. Belle Du Caire Paperback - French (July 2001)
12. Cairo Modern Paperback (December 2009)
13. Cairo Modern Hardcover (May 2008)
14. Cairo Trilogy: Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, Sugar Street Hardcover (October 2001)
15. Chanson Des Gueux Paperback - French (September 1992)
16. Children of Gebelaawi Paperback (1981)
17. Children of Gebelaawi Paperback
18. Children of Gebelaawi Hardcover (1997)
19. Children of the Alley Paperback (October 1996)
20. Chimeres Paperback - French (April 1994)

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