Children of Gebelaawi

Author(s): Naguib Mahfouz  

ISBN 10: 0894102133
ISBN 13: 9780894102134
Format: Paperback
Publication: 1981
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Other books by Naguib Mahfouz

1. Adrift on the Nile Paperback (1994/02/01)
2. Adrift on the Nile Paperback (1994/05/26)
3. Akhenaten , Dweller in Truth Paperback (2001)
4. Akhenaten : Dweller in Truth Hardcover (12/1/1999)
5. Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth Paperback (April 2000)
6. Akhenaton Le Renegat Paperback - French (June 2000)
7. Arabian Nights and Days (January 2001)
8. Arabian Nights and Days : A Novel Paperback (1995/10/01)
9. Before the Throne Hardcover (November 2009)
10. Before the Throne Paperback (July 2012)
11. Belle Du Caire Paperback - French (July 2001)
12. Cairo Modern Paperback (December 2009)
13. Cairo Modern Hardcover (May 2008)
14. Cairo Trilogy: Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, Sugar Street Hardcover (October 2001)
15. Chanson Des Gueux Paperback - French (September 1992)
16. Children of Gebelaawi Paperback
17. Children of Gebelaawi Hardcover (1997)
18. Children of the Alley Paperback (October 1996)
19. Chimeres Paperback - French (April 1994)
20. Collection of Naguib Mahfouz (1985/01/01)

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