Great Expectations

The novel is collected and dense, with a conciseness unusual for Dickens. According to G. K. Chesterton, Dickens penned Great Expectations in "the afternoon of [his] life and fame.

Author(s): Charles Dickens  

ISBN 10: 1503275183
ISBN 13: 9781503275188
Pages: 284
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Other books by Charles Dickens

1. A Childs History of England
2. A Christmas Carol
3. A Christmas Carol: Slip-case Edition
4. A Round of Stories by the Christmas Fire
5. A Tale of Two Cities
6. A Tale of Two Cities
7. A Tale of Two Cities (Amazon Classics Edition)
8. A Tale of Two Cities (Vintage Editions)
9. Best Ghost Stories
10. Bleak House
11. Bleak House
12. David Copperfield
13. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
14. Great Expectations
15. Great Expectations
16. Great Expectations
17. Hard Times
18. Hard Times (Enriched Classic)
19. Hunted Down: "The Detective Stories"
20. Nicholas Nickleby

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