Gift and Mystery: On the Fiftieth Anniversary of My Priestly Ordination

"In Gift and Mystery we read 'For every priest, in every age, the greatest task is each day to discover his own priestly "today" in the "today" of Christ.' John Paul II understands that the event of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ in world history continues daily in a special way in the priestly brotherhood of those who have been chosen to follow in his footsteps--and indeed in every man and woman, all called through the gift of faith to a life of holiness. In concluding Gift and Mystery, the pope writes to his brother priests, 'Learn to see in your priesthood the Gospel treasure for which it is worth giving up everything.' Surely in the life of this pope we see an extraordinary example of someone who has treasured the gift of his priestly ministry for more than fifty years."
- From the foreword of Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus

Author(s): Pope John Paul II  

ISBN 10: 0385493711
ISBN 13: 9780385493710
Pages: 144
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