Creating the Ultimate Crossfit Training Session: Learn the Secrets and Tricks Used by the Best Professionals and Coaches to Improve Your Fitness, Strength, Nutrition, and Mental Toughness

Creating the Ultimate Crossfit Training Session To reach your true potential you need to be at your optimal physical and mental condition and in order to do this you need to start an organized plan that will help you develop your strength, mobility, nutrition, and mental toughness. This book will do that. Eating right and training hard are two of the pieces of the puzzle but you need the third piece to make it all happen. The third piece is mental toughness and that can be obtained through meditation and visualization techniques taught in this book. This book will provide you with the following: -Normal and advanced training calendars -Dynamic warm-up exercises -High performance training exercises -Active recovery exercises -Nutrition calendar to increase muscle -Nutrition calendar to burn fat -Muscle building recipes -Fat burning recipes -Advanced breathing techniques to enhance performance -Meditation techniques -Visualization techniques -Visualization sessions to improve performance Physical conditioning and strength training, smart nutrition, and advanced meditation/visualization techniques are the three keys to achieve optimal performance. Most athletes are missing one or two of these fundamental ingredients but by making the decision to change you will have the potential to achieve a new “ULTIMATE” you.

Author(s): Joseph Correa (Professional Athlete and Coach)  

ISBN 10: 1515320235
ISBN 13: 9781515320234
Pages: 200
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Other books by Joseph Correa (Professional Athlete and Coach)

1. The Ultimate Crossfit Training Program

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