Contracts, Fourth Edition, Textbook Treatise Series, Paperback

This eagerly awaited revision of a prestigious student treatise helps professors demystify the intricacies of contract law. Long respected for its clarity and accessibility, Contracts, in its completely updated Fourth Edition, continues to illuminate doctrine and practice.

The textbook builds on its well-known strengths:

  • Comprehensive coverage of all of the topics that figure prominently in most contracts courses.
  • Intuitive, insightful approach for first-year law students...
  • Clear explanations of the rules, illustrated with noteworthy examples.
  • Incorporation of many recent cases into examples.
  • Clear prose and incisive analysis
  • Reflection of the expertise of the author, who has also written a successful practitioner treatise.
  • Suitability for use alongside any casebook.

The Fourth Edition keeps pace with developments in the field, providing:

  • Detailed comparisons of the contract rules of 2003, revised Article 2 (2003), with previous Article 2.
  • Citations to revised Articles 1 and 9.
  • Citations to dozens of new cases, including those applying CISG (Vienna Sales Convention) and reference to current decisions in such areas as employment agreements, enforceability of arbitration clauses, anti-nuptial contracts, liquidated damages, pre-contractual liability, and electronic contracting.
  • Citations to new law journal articles and updated citations to other secondary sources.

Learning contract law will be less daunting when the Fourth Edition of E. Allan Farnsworth's Contracts is available for extra assistance.

Author(s): E. Allan Farnsworth  

ISBN 10: 0735545405
ISBN 13: 9780735545403
Pages: 769
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