Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy

If you know Porter's name but haven't yet engaged with his work, you'll find this book an easy and substantive point of entry. But even if you have encountered his ideas (perhaps in a course or an article) and you think you already "know Porter," you are likely in for a surprise.

From his classic frameworks—like the five forces, the value chain, and competitive advantage—to his newer thinking about the five tests of a good strategy, Porter's work is foundational reading for anyone in business—yet many managers remain intimidated. No longer.

Concise and refreshing, Understanding Michael Porter is the essential guide to Porter's thinking on competition and strategy. Written by Joan Magretta, longtime Porter editor and colleague, this book is clearly aimed not at scholars but at doers.

Understanding Michael Porter also features a new Q&A with Porter himself. Learn Porter's current thinking on questions faced in every workplace—from the most common strategy mistakes he sees, to challenges such as finding profitable growth, dealing with market disruption, creating new business models, and competing globally.

Porter's work has never been as timely for so many people as it is today. Master the essential Porter and you'll understand how companies sustain competitive advantages for decades—and why strategy is even more important in turbulent and uncertain times.

Author(s): Joan Magretta  

ISBN 10: 1422160599
ISBN 13: 9781422160596
Pages: 256
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