Thunder on the Left

Thunder on the Left picks up where Unlimited Access left off as Gary Aldrich makes a compelling case that today's Democratic Party has been hijacked by the Hard-Left. This power struggle within the loyal opposition has, in turn, created a clear and present danger to our national security. Aldrich knows what he's talking about -- he was an FBI agent for 26 years and spent the last five years of his FBI career working at the White House. Aldrich was so alarmed and disgusted by the Clinton administration that he wrote Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House which became an immediate New York Times #1 bestseller. Aldrich tried to warn patriotic Americans that their Commander in Chief Bill Clinton and his Hard-Left cronies were engaged in a purposeful destruction of our national security. A driven and aggressive investigator, Aldrich continued his far-reaching probe as his insatiable curiosity led him to ask many obvious questions: Why was the Hard-Left so determined to destroy our national security? Why do they sneer at our institutions? Why do they continually paint Conservatives as extremists? Aldrich also presents the case that Bill Clinton is correctly blamed for September 11, 2001. Clinton and his Hard-Left allies may not want this to be Clinton's legacy, but Aldrich points out how Clinton ensured it. Aldrich thoughtfully explores the heart of the average Hard-Left Liberal: Who chooses liberal judges that set violent criminals free, while punishing cops? Who tries to take away our right to own firearms, and wants to tap our phones and keep databases of our most personal information? Who sneers at our Constitution, our beloved Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of Rights as mere parchment, written by irrelevant dead white men? Who wants to take God out of our Pledge and mocks our flag and our patriotism? Who celebrates a sick society with crude humor and angry rap lyrics that demean our women and poison our children's minds? Who und

To find some answers, Aldrich even joined the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy." Once inside, he met forgiving, generous patriots, not the extremists he expected to find. Instead of intolerance, he discovered the "Soft-Hearted Right's" biggest weakness: an almost genetic civility making it difficult for them to fight the politics of the gutter -- the Hard-Left's favorite habitat. Aldrich makes the argument that members of the Hard-Left are not patriots, and conservative leaders who generously assume that these hate-mongers "love America" are deceiving themselves. Aldrich presents compelling evidence that the power wielded by Hard-Left ideologues has resulted in astonishingly destructive consequences. He warns us that unless kept from power, the Hard-Left's socialistic, dishonest version of governance will eventually lead to the destruction of our freedoms! In Thunder on the Left, Aldrich takes on the politically correct and the leftist cheerleaders for Big Government and Big Media. He outlines the real reasons why many of our federal agencies have become make-work daycare centers for the unemployable. Aldrich thoroughly examines the FBI to determine what went wrong before September 11. He answers the question on everyone's mind: Will the FBI once again assume its great reputation? When all the problems facing us today are considered, including the immediate threat of terrorists, you must conclude -- as Aldrich so cleverly sets forth in his book -- that the Hard-Left is guilty as charged!

Author(s): Gary Aldrich  

ISBN 10: 0974028401
ISBN 13: 9780974028408
Pages: 216
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Other books by Gary Aldrich

1. Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House

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