The Edge (FBI Series #4)

An FBI agent's sister disappears after an attempted suicide. When Savich and Sherlock join the search, they discover a startling connection to a puzzling murder-and put their lives on the line to uncover the truth.

Author(s): Catherine Coulter  

ISBN 10: 0515128600
ISBN 13: 9780515128604
Pages: 352
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Other books by Catherine Coulter

1. Afterglow
2. Aftershocks
3. Backfire (FBI Series #16)
4. Beyond Eden
5. Blindside (FBI Series #8)
6. Blowout (FBI Series #9)
7. Bombshell (An FBI Thriller)
8. Born to Be Wild
9. Devil's Daughter
10. Devil's Embrace
11. Double Jeopardy: The Target/ The Edge
12. Double Take (FBI Series #11)
13. Earth Song (Song Series)
14. Enigma
15. Evening Star (Star Quartet)
16. False Pretenses
17. Fire Song (Song Series)
18. Forever Yours
19. Hemlock Bay (FBI Series #6)
20. Impulse

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