Spiritual Solutions: Answers to Life's Greatest Challenges

Life is full of challenges, both big and small. Spirituality is here to offer solutions.

Over the course of his career as physician, teacher, and bestselling author, Deepak Chopra has received thousands of questions from people facing every kind of challenge. They have asked how to lead more fulfilling lives, how to overcome relationship problems and personal obstacles. What’s the best way to deal with a passive-aggressive friend? Can a stagnant career be jump-started? In a world full of distractions and stress, how does one find time for meditation?

Hidden among all of these questions are answers waiting to be uncovered.

In this groundbreaking book, Chopra shows you how to expand your awareness, which is the key to the confusion and conflict we all face. “The secret is that the level of the problem is never the level of the solution,” he writes. By rising to the level of the solution in your own awareness, you can transform obstacles into opportunities. Chopra leads the reader to what he calls “the true self,” where peace, clarity, and wisdom serve as guides in times of crisis. For Chopra, spirituality is primarily about consciousness, not about religious dogma or relying on the conventional notion of God. “There is no greater power for success and personal growth than your own awareness.” With practical insight, Spiritual Solutions provides the tools and strategies to enable you to meet life’s challenges from within and to experience a sense of genuine fulfillment and purpose.

Author(s): Deepak Chopra  

ISBN 10: 0307719170
ISBN 13: 9780307719171
Pages: 224
Format: Hardcover
Publication: 3/27/2012
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Other books by Deepak Chopra

1. 365 Days of Wisdom and Healing
2. AARP The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit (4/17/2012)
3. Ageless Body Com Journal Hardcover (1993/12/02)
4. Ageless body, timeless mind Paperback (1997/08/01)
5. Ageless body, timeless mind Hardcover (1993/07/01)
6. Ageless body, timeless mind Paperback (1993/12/01)
7. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old (1993)
8. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: A Practical Alternative to Growing Old Paperback, 2003 (2003/06/05)
9. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: A Practical Alternative to Growing Old Paperback, 2008 (2008)

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