Spiritual Knowledge

This book by the famed Chinese pastor, Watchman Nee, shows the way to the true knowledge of God, as well as of ourselves, and explains the relationship between spiritual knowledge and the renewed mind.

Author(s): Watchman Nee  

ISBN 10: 0935008373
ISBN 13: 9780935008371
Pages: 124
Format: Paperback
Publication: January 1980
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Other books by Watchman Nee

1. A Prayer of Revelation (1998)
2. A Table in the Wilderness: Daily Devotional Meditations from the Ministry of Watchman Nee Paperback (2005/03/01)
3. Abismo Llama a Otro Abismo/Deep Calls Unto Deep (January 1998)
4. Adoramos a Dios Por Sus Caminos/Worshipping the Ways of God (1998/11/01)
5. Authority and Submission Paperback (1998/06/01)
6. Autoridad Espiritual MM Mass Market Paperback (June 2006)
7. Back to the Cross Paperback (1988/12/01)
8. Balanced Christian Life (June 1981)
9. Baptism Paperback (2001)
10. Better Covenant Paperback (1982/06/01)
11. Body of Christ Paperback (February 1998)
12. Body of Christ a Reality Paperback (1978/02/01)
13. Breaking of the Outer Man and the Release of the Spirit Paperback (July 1997)
14. Burden and Prayer (February 1998)
15. Called to Commitment (1999/07/01)
16. Cantar de Los Cantares: Song of Songs-Commentary Hardcover
17. Changed into His Likeness Paperback (January 2007)
18. Changed into His Likeness Paperbound (June 1978)
19. Changed into His Likeness (1967/10/01)
20. Changed into His Likeness Paperback (1969/06/01)

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