Practical Watch Repairing

Horology expert Donald de Carle reveals how to repair and adjust the modern watch.

The absorbing and everlasting subject of watch repairing has been dealt with in books in many languages throughout the years. But when de Carle first set out to write Practical Watch Repairing in 1946, it was with the intention of creating a textbook "that a watchmaker can understand, even if he can't read." With over 550 instructional black-and-white illustrations and an approach that assumes no prior watch-repairing experience, this book achieves and surpasses that lofty mission, and has been touted as "the best illustrated book on practical horology" (Horological Journal) ever written. For the readers in his audience, de Carle has provided well-informed discourse on every topic a watchmaker, or aspiring watchmaker, needs to know. With Practical Watch Repairing, even a layman can become a watch-repair specialist.

Author(s): Donald de Carle  

ISBN 10: 1602393575
ISBN 13: 9781602393578
Pages: 336
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