International Reits

Dream of buying an apartment or landed property? What about a luxury shopping mall, office block or five-star hotel? Such dreams are completely possible and at not too expensive or far-fetched. With Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), you'll be able to invest in properties you never thought you could own. REITs derive income from top-notch properties around the world across various industries so buying into a REIT makes you an indirect landlord of their properties. If the REIT soars, you soar―and you don't have to be a millionaire to invest and to sweeten the deal, most REITs enjoy tax-free income.

Author(s): Kaiwen Leong   Wenyou Tan   Elaine Leong  

ISBN 10: 9814561320
ISBN 13: 9789814561327
Pages: 240
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