Business: The Ultimate Resource

An international bestseller, BUSINESS: The Ultimate Resource is a one-stop reference and interactive tool covering all aspects of today's world of work.

Unique, authoritative, and wide-ranging, it offers practical and strategic advice for anyone doing business today. Written with a team of world-class writers and editors, it is an essential desk reference for managers, MBA and business students and for small business owners worldwide.

Fully updated and revised for this new edition, BUSINESS features:

  • Best Practice: over 170 essays from a stellar cast of business thought leaders
  • Checklists and actionlists: more than 200 practical solutions to everyday business challenges
  • Management Library: time-saving digests of more than 100 of the world's best business books
  • Dictionary: jargon-free definitions of more than 7,000 terms
  • Giants and Thinkers: revised biographies of over 100 of the world's most influential gurus and pioneers

Author(s): David Allen  

ISBN 10: 140812811X
ISBN 13: 9781408128114
Pages: 1760
Format: Hardcover - Revised Ed.
Publication: 8/15/2011
Edition: 3
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Other books by David Allen

1. A Facilitator's Book of Questions: Resources for Looking Together at Student and Teacher Work Paperback (March 2004)
2. A Pictorial Survey of London Midland Signalling Hardcover (June 1996)
3. Accommodation and Cleaning Services Paperback (1983)
4. Assessing Student Learning: From Grading to Understanding Paperback (July 1998)
5. Assessing Student Learning: From Grading to Understanding Hardcover
6. Basic Studies in Soteriology Paperback (2005/11/16)
7. Belvedere Paperback (July 2012)
8. Belvedere Hardcover (July 2012)
9. Books and Naturalists Hardcover (February 01, 2010)
10. Cheapside
11. Coaching Whole School Change: Lessons in Practice from a Small High School Paperback (August 2008)
12. Colder Than A Fart In A Dead Eskimo Paperback (2007)
13. Creating Value Paperback (1990)
14. Cricket: An Illustrated History Hardcover (1990/04/12)
15. Darribando Los Dioses Que Llevamos Dentro Paperback (1999/10/01)
16. Developing Successful New Products: A Guide to Product Planning Hardcover (1/1/1993)
17. Dynamic Budgetary Control (A Hawkesmere report) Spiral (1997/09/11)
18. E. W. Swanton : A Celebration of His Life Book (2000)
19. English teaching since 1965 Hardcover (1980)
20. Evaluating and Monitoring Strategies: Pivotal Role of the Cost of Capital (Thorogood Reports) Hardcover (1997/06/27)

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