Your Money And Your Brain How the New Science of Neuroeconomics Can Help Make You Rich

Why do Otherwise Smart, Rational People Make Irrational, Foolish Decisions about Money? Combining psychology, neuroscience, and economics, the new science of neuroeconomics answers that question. In Your Money and Your Brain, financial journalist Jason Zweig explains how neuroeconomics can show investors how to avoid these money mistakes.

As entertaining as it is enlightening, Your Money and Your Brain explains why we often misunderstand risk and tend to be overconfident about our investment decisions. Zweig blends anecdotes from experiments in which he participated with stories about investing mistakes-some from highly successful people-distilling them to offer practical steps that investors can take to make better decisions and take control of the battlefield between reason and emotion.

About the Author:
Jason Zweig is personal finance columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He is also the editor of the revised edition of Benjamin Graham's The Intelligent Investor and was formerly the mutual funds editor at Forbes magazine

Author(s): Jason Zweig  

ISBN 10: 074327668X
ISBN 13: 9780743276689
Pages: 352
Format: Hardcover, 2007
Publication: 2007
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Other books by Jason Zweig

1. Benjamin Graham, Building a Profession: The Early Writings of the Father of Security Analysis (3/23/2010)
2. Hombre inteligente, hombre rico/ Intelligent Men, Rich Men: Un Acercamiento a La Neuroeconomia, La Ciencia Que Lo Ayudara a Generar Riqueza Paperback (October 2008)
3. The Devils Financial Dictionary
4. The Little Book of Safe Money Audio Compact Disc - Unabridged (March 2010)
5. The Little Book of Safe Money: How to Conquer Killer Markets, Con Artists, and Yourself (Little Books. Big Profits Series) Hardcover (November 2009)
6. Your Money and Your Brain: How the New Science of Neuroeconomics Can Help Make Y Hardcover, 2007 (2007)
7. Your Money and Your Brain: How the New Science of Neuroeconomics Can Help Make You Rich Paperback (September 2008)
8. Your Money and Your Brain: How the New Science of Neuroeconomics Can Help Make You Rich Hardcover (2007)

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