Warren Buffett Speaks

A compilation of articles, interviews, and other material offers a new perspective on the business savvy, investment philosophy, and views of one of America's wealthiest investors. The world takes note when WARREN BUFFETT SPEAKS: "If people want to improve their investing skills, it has to help to study how the Master does it. This short book outlines Buffett's philosophy and techniques." - Peter S. Lynch, Vice Chairman Fidelity Investments "Common sense with a deft irony ..." - John C. Bogle, Chairman The Vanguard Group of Investment Companies "It was Warren Buffett's thoughts and philosophy that first captivated investors. Janet Lowe has done us all a great service by collecting and arranging Warren Buffett's wit and wisdom in an easy-to-read and enjoyable book." - Robert G. Hagstrom, Jr. Portfolio Manager, Focus Trust author of The Warren Buffett Way "A must-read.

Author(s): Warren Buffett   Janet Lowe  

ISBN 10: 047116996X
ISBN 13: 9780471169963
Pages: 194
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