The World as I See It

The Einstein revealed in these writings is witty, keenly perceptive, and deeply concerned for humanity. Einstein believed in the possibility of a peaceful world and in the high mission of science to serve human well-being. As we near the end of a century in which science has come to seem more and more remote from human values, Einstein's perspective is indispensable.

The famous scientist presents his thoughts on life, the world, and his scientific labors. Topic include Good and Evil, Religion and Science, Active Pacifism and others.

Author(s): Albert Einstein  

ISBN 10: 0806527900
ISBN 13: 9780806527901
Pages: 128
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Other books by Albert Einstein

1. Albert Einstein, Mileva Maric: The Love Letters
2. Albert Einstein, the Human Side
3. Einstein on Politics
4. Out of My Later Years
5. The Meaning of Relativity
6. The meaning of relativity
7. The World As I See It

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