The War is Over: God is Not Mad, So Stop Struggling With Sin and Judgment

There have been many wars throughout history and more yet to come. But the most important war is over and most don't even know it. Many have not yet heard the news and they continue to fight the battle-the battle of sin and judgment. When Jesus said "It is finished", victory was declared and reconciliation began. Luke 2:14 say, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace goodwill toward men." Is this saying Jesus came to create peace among men? If it is, then He has most certainly failed. The peace he spoke of was not among men, but between God and man. Sin is no longer the issue; the price has been paid once and for all, God sent His only Son to bare our sin, becoming sin itself and then judged Him without mercy for that sin. Was it enough? You will discover that yes, it was more than enough, and God is not withholding His blessing because of their sin! By understanding this powerful truth you will be set free from condemnation, judgment, and fear, and released to receive the blessing of God!

Author(s): Andrew Wommack  

ISBN 10: 1577949358
ISBN 13: 9781577949350
Pages: 213
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Other books by Andrew Wommack

1. A Better Way to Pray
2. Christian Philosophy
3. Discover the Keys to Staying Full of God
4. Discover the Keys to Staying Full of God
5. Don't Limit God: Imagine Yourself Successful
6. Effortless Change: The Word Is the Seed That Can Change Your Life
7. Every Day With Jesus Devotional: 365 Insights for Encouragement, Spiritual Growth, and Personal Victory
8. Financial Stewardship: Experience the Freedom of Turning Your Finances Over to God
9. God Wants You Well: What the Bible Really Says about Walking in Divine Health
10. Grace, the Power of the Gospel
11. Grace: The Power of the Gospel - Study Guide
12. Hardness of Heart
13. Harnessing Your Emotions
14. How to Find, Follow, Fulfill
15. Lessons from David
16. Lessons from Elijah
17. Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith: Combining Two Powerful Forces to Receive from God
18. Self Centeredness: The Source of All Grief
19. Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword
20. Spirit, Soul and Body

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