The True Vine

2011 Reprint of 1898 Edition. Andrew Murray's "True Vine" is a thirty-one day devotional focusing on Christ's Parable of the Vine and the Branches in John 15. The devotional for each day, though short, elaborates and expounds upon John 15, providing spiritual insight along the way. Murray repeats important themes--like abiding in Christ--throughout the different days. Noticing how they develop and grow with each successive read, countless small groups and individuals have found Murray's keen spiritual teachings fruitful. An excellent devotional, "True Vine"is recommended for daily spiritual nourishment. Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was an amazingly prolific Christian author. He lived and ministered as both a pastor and a writer from the towns and villages of South Africa. All of his publications were originally written in Dutch and then translated into English. As his popularity grew, Murray's books found their way into more than twelve foreign languages during his lifetime alone. Andrew Murray's early writings were primarily written for the edification of the believer. Includes lectures: "Absolute Surrender" "Separated Unto The Holy Spirit" "Peter's Repentance" "Impossible With Man, Possible With God" "Having Begun In The Spirit" "Kept By The Power Of God" "Ye Are The Branches" "Be Filled by the Holy Spirit" "The Blessedness of Being Filled with the Spirit" and others.

Author(s): Andrew Murray  

ISBN 10: 1614271542
ISBN 13: 9781614271543
Pages: 130
Format: Paperback
Publication: 8/17/2011
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Other books by Andrew Murray

1. 'Jesus Himself' (2 Addresses).... Paperback (January 2012)
2. 365 Daily Devotions on Prayer: Insprition on Talking With God Paperback (2007)
3. A 31 Day Guide to Prayer Paperback (2002/12/01)
4. A 31 Day Guide to Prayer
5. A Life of Power Paperback (2002/04/01)
6. Abide in Christ Paperback (April 1997)
7. Abide in Christ Paperback (October 2002)
8. Abide in Christ Paperback (September 2010)
9. Abide in Christ Paperback (April 2008)
10. Abide in Christ Hardcover (1992/06/01)
11. Abide in Christ (1992/06/01)
12. Abide in Christ Paperback (2/28/1987)
13. Abide in Christ Binding (1983/09/01)
14. Abide in Christ Paperback (1980/01/31)
15. Abide in Christ
16. Abide in Christ Paperback (7/28/2011)
17. Abide in Christ (June 1992)

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