The New Sonoma Diet: Trimmer Waist, More Energy in Just 10 Days

Presents a diet plan based on the cuisines of the Mediterranean and Californian wine country and includes detailed menus; new recipe ideas for family, gluten-free, and on-the-go meals; and breakthrough nutrition science. Dr. Connie Guttersen originally created the Sonoma Diet to provide people with a satisfying, healthful, and above all, delicious way to lose weight. Now, her cutting-edge plan--inspired by the sun-drenched cuisines of the Mediterranean and California's wine country--is better than ever. The New Sonoma Diet features the latest in nutritional science and a feast of fresh recipes. More than half of this edition is entirely new!

Author(s): Connie Guttersen  

ISBN 10: 1402781180
ISBN 13: 9781402781186
Pages: 383
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