The Hubble Cosmos

Here are the major challenges and triumphs, the key scientific findings, the brilliant scientists behind the scenes, and the public's love affair with a space telescope. To celebrate NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and its 25 years of accomplishments, let The Hubble Cosmos fill your mind with big ideas, brilliant imagery, and a new understanding of the universe in which we live. Relive key moments in the monumental Hubble story, from launch through major new instrumentation to the promise of discoveries to come. With more than 150 photographs including Hubble All-Stars—the most famous of all the noteworthy images—The Hubble Cosmos shows how this telescope is revolutionizing our understanding of the universe.

Author(s): David H. DeVorkin   Robert W. Smith  

ISBN 10: 1426215576
ISBN 13: 9781426215575
Pages: 224
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