The Elements of Investing: Easy Lessons for Every Investor

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"These noted authors have distilled all you need to know about investing into a very small package. The best time to read this book is when you turn eighteen (or maybe thirteen) and every year thereafter."

—Harry Markowitz, Nobel Laureate in Economics 1990

"Struggling to find money to save? Befuddled by the bewildering array of investment choices? As you venture into the financial markets for the first time, it's helpful to have a trusted guide—and, in Charley Ellis and Burt Malkiel, you have two of the finest."

—Jonathan Clements, author ofThe Little Book of Main Street Money

"No one knows more about investing than Charley Ellis and Burt Malkiel, and no one has written a better investment guide. These are the best basic rules of investing by two of the world's greatest financial thinkers."

—Consuelo Mack, Anchor and Managing Editor,Consuelo Mack WealthTrack

Author(s): Burton G. Malkiel  

ISBN 10: 1118484878
ISBN 13: 9781118484876
Pages: 182
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Other books by Burton G. Malkiel

1. A Random Walk Down Wall Street
2. A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (Tenth Edition)
3. Un paseo aleatorio por Wall Street

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