The Documentary History of Judaism and Its Recent Interpreters

<p>The result for the history of Judaism of a documentary reading of the Rabbinic canonical sources illustrates the working of that hypothesis. It is the first major outcome of that hypothesis, but there are other implications, and a variety of new problems emerge from time to time as the work proceeds. In the recent past, Neusner has continued to explore special problems of the documentary hypothesis of the Rabbinic canon. At the same time, Neusner notes, others join in the discussion that have produced important and ambitious analyses of the thesis and its implications. Here, Neuser has collected some of the more ambitious ventures into the hypothesis and its current recapitulations. Neusner begins with the article written by Professor William Scott Green for the Encyclopaedia Judaica second edition, as Green places the documentary hypothesis into the context of Neusner's entire oeuvre. Neuser then reproduces what he regards as the single most successful venture of the documentary hypothesis, contrasting between the Mishnah's and the Talmuds' programs for the social order of Israel, the doctrines of economics, politics, and philosophy set forth in those documents, respectively. Then come the two foci of discourse: Halakhah or normative law and Aggadah or normative theology. Professors Bernard Jackson of the University of Manchester, England and Mayer Gruber of Ben Gurion University of the Negev treat the Halakhic program that Neusner has devised, and Kevin Edgecomb of the University of California, Berkeley, has produced a remarkable summary of the theological system Neusner discerns in the Aggadic documents. Neusner concludes with a review of a book by a critic of the documentary hypothesis.</p>

Author(s): Jacob Neusner  

ISBN 10: 0761849785
ISBN 13: 9780761849780
Pages: 264
Format: Paperback, 2010
Publication: 2010
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Other books by Jacob Neusner

1. A History of the Jews in Babylonia II: The Early Sasanian Period (University of South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism) Paperback (May 2000)
2. A History of the Jews in Babylonia IV: The Age of Shapur II (South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism Series 220), Vol. 4 Paperback (May 2000)
3. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part 1: The Parthian Period Paperback (December 2008)
4. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part II: The Early Sasanian Period Paperback, 2008 (July 2008)
5. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part III: From Shapur I to Shapur II Paperback (December 2008)
6. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part IV: The Age of Shapur II Paperback, 2008 (2008)
7. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Part V: Later Sasanian Times Paperback (December 2008)
8. A History of the Jews in Babylonia, Volume 15 Part 5. Later Sasanian Times Hardcover (June 1970)
9. A History of the Jews in Babylonia: The Parthian Period Paperback (May 2000)
10. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Holy Things, Part 1: Zebahim: Translation and Explanation Paperback, 2007 (2007)
11. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Holy Things, Part 2: Menahot: Translation and Explanation Paperback, 2007 (2007)
12. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Holy Things, Part 3: Hullin, Bekhorot: Translation and Expl... Paperback, 2007 (2007)
13. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Holy Things, Part 4: Arakhin, Temurah: Translation and Explanation Paperback (April 2007)
14. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 10: Parah: Literary and Historical Problems Paperback, 2007 (2007)
15. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 12: Tohorot: Literary and Historical Problems Paperback, 2007 (2007)
16. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 13: Miqvaot: Commentary Paperback, 2007 (2007)
17. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 14: Miqvaot: Literary and Historical Problems Paperback, 2007 (2007)
18. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 15: Niddah: Commentary Paperback, 2007 (2007)
19. A History of the Mishnaic Law of Purities, Part 16: Niddah: Literary and Historical Problems Paperback, 2007 (2007)

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