The Autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt

Regarded as one of the greatest Presidents of The United States, Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) led a full and vibrant life that reflected his storied personality and presence. "The Autobiography of Theodore Roosevelt" is an invaluable literary work and a true gift to readers, as it is a glimpse into the psyche of such an enigmatic historical figure. Roosevelt led a life rich in accomplishments not limited to his being the youngest president in US history. He was a courageous soldier, posthumously receiving the Medal of Honor for his creation and leadership of the Rough Riders in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. He was also the first American to win a Nobel Peace prize, which he received for his negotiation of the end of the Russo-Japanese War. In addition, Roosevelt was an adventurer with a taste for hunting and exploring, especially in South America, where a river is named after him. His iconic slogan, "Speak softly and carry a big stick," is still quoted and embodied by politicians to this very day, exemplifying his indelible impact on the history of the United States.

Author(s): Theodore Roosevelt  

ISBN 10: 1438295340
ISBN 13: 9781438295343
Pages: 320
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Other books by Theodore Roosevelt

1. An Autobiography by Theodore Roosevelt
2. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman and the Wilderness Hunter (Modern Library Series)
3. Oliver Cromwell (Paperback)
4. Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail
5. Strenuous Life: Essays and Addresses
6. The Naval War of 1812
7. The Rough Riders
8. Through the Brazilian Wilderness

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