Teamwork Means You Can't Pick the Side that's Right

AMP's Dilbert calendars are the best-selling calendars in the world, with sales over 400,000 every year. Pointless projects, endless meetings, and random downsizing make up the Dilbert world.

He's the icon of millions of corporate workers, the most popular cubicle dweller on this planet. He spends his days in endless meetings with incompetent supervisors, performing perfunctory tasks mixed with the occasional team-building, brainstorming, or management fad-of-the-day session. He has entertained us for more than two decades: He's Dilbert.

Created in 1989 by Adams, in his own cubicle as a doodle distraction, Dilbert has found a home in the workplace, this generation's home away from home. Adams amuses readers with his portrayal of the absurdities of this environment with unfailing accuracy and precision. As readers of more than 2,000 newspapers, millions of books, and the newly revamped site know, the familiar mouthless character with the upturned tie, his dog, Dogbert, the pointy-haired Boss, over-achieving Alice and underachieving Wally, Human Resources director Catbert, depict a world that's all too easy to recognize, complete with shrinking cubicles, clueless co-workers, focus groups and ill-conceived management concepts.

In this all-new chronological collection, Adams further exploits the fodder of workaday life, making even the most cynical cubicle dweller laugh at our shared, absurd work lives.

Author(s): Scott Adams  

ISBN 10: 1449410189
ISBN 13: 9781449410186
Pages: 128
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Other books by Scott Adams

1. Always Postpone Meetings with Time-Wasting Morons
2. Casual Day Has Gone Too Far
3. Dilbert 2.0: 20 Years of Dilbert
4. Dilbert Principle: A Cubicle's-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads and Other Workplace Afflictions
5. Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook
6. Freedom's Just Another Word for People Finding Out You're Useless: A Dilbert Book
7. Fugitive from the cubicle police
8. God's Debris: A Thought Experiment
9. How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
10. How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
11. I Sense a Coldness to Your Mentoring
12. It's Obvious You Won't Survive by Your Wits Alone
13. Journey to Cubeville, Vol. 12
14. Problem Identified: And You're Probably Not Part of the Solution
15. The Dilbert Principle: A Cubicle's-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads and Other Workplace Afflictions (A Dilbert book)
16. The Joy of Work : Dilbert's Guide to Finding Happiness at the Expense of Your Co-Workers
17. The Religion War
18. Try Rebooting Yourself: A Dilbert Collection
19. When Body Language Goes Bad: A Dilbert Collection (#21)
20. Your New Job Title Is

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