Tax Crimes

This new title is one of six releases from the LexisNexis Graduate Tax Series. <b>Tax Crimes</b> embodies the dual goals established for the LexisNexis Graduate Tax Series: to provide graduate tax students with a solid foundation in the applicable rules and to enhance their skills in reading and applying complex statutes and regulations. To this end, the Assigned Readings emphasize the Code sections and other rule-based materials, including: the Department of Justice Criminal Tax Manual, the Internal Revenue Manual, the United States Sentencing Guidelines, and statutes governing other crimes which frequently are charged together with tax crimes, such as conspiracy, false statement, bankruptcy fraud, and currency offenses. This book addresses the numerous substantive and procedural issues that arise in the investigation, prosecution, and defense of tax crimes and related offenses. The early chapters of the book map the topography, providing an overview of criminal tax, describing the crimes under the Code and related crimes under other statutes, and developing the elements of and principal defenses to tax crimes. The middle chapters take a "life cycle" approach, tracking the stages of a criminal tax case from investigation to pretrial, trial, post-trial, and sentencing. Subsequent chapters address ancillary issues such as the forfeitures, disabilities, publicity, ethics, and civil tax liability and penalties. The concluding chapter summarizes the course and ties the various topics together with a comprehensive Problem. <p>This eBook features links to Lexis Advance for further legal research options.</p>

Author(s): John Townsend  

ISBN 10: 0327178418
ISBN 13: 9780327178415
Pages: 578
Publication: 7/15/2008
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Other books by John Townsend

1. 101 Things You Didn't Know about Your Body Paperback (July 2011)
2. 101 Things You Didn't Know about Your Body Library Binding (July 2011)
3. ?Quien aprieta tus botones?: Como manejar la gente dificil en tu vida Paperback (April 2006)
4. A Bit of a Shambles (Spirals) Applicable (1997)
5. A Lot of Old Codswallop (Spirals) Applicable (1999)
6. A Maggot in the Mouthwash (New Spirals - Plays) (2003/02/23)
7. A Matter Of Survival: Properties of Matter Hardcover (2005/12/05)
8. A Painful History of Childhood Hardcover (September 2006)
9. A Painful History of Crime Set Paperback (September 2009)
10. A Painful History of Medicine Hardcover (September 2006)
11. A Painful History of Medicine Set Library Binding (September 2005)
12. A Weird History of Science Hardcover (September 2006)
13. Acids and Bases (Raintree Freestyle: Material Matters) (2005/10/10)
14. Amazing Animal Communicators Paperback (7/1/2012)
15. Amazing Animal Helpers Paperback (7/1/2012)
16. Amazing Animal Movers Paperback (7/1/2012)
17. Amazing Animal Senses Paperback (7/1/2012)
18. Amazing Animal Survivors Paperback (7/1/2012)
19. Amazing Predators Paperback (7/1/2012)
20. Amphibians (Incredible Creatures) Hardcover (2005/09/23)

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