Stories of Five Decades

This selection of twenty-three stories (twenty available in English for the first time) offers a spectrum of Hesse's writing from 1899 to 1948 that could be matched only by an edition of his poetry, since in no other form--novel, essay, autobiographical reflection--did he span so many years. Here, within the covers of a single volume, the reader can trace Hesse's development from the aestheticism of his youth through the realism and surrealism of the next decades to the classicism of his old age. And the reader who knows Hesse mainly through his major novels of the twenties and thirties will be surprised to encounter him in a variety of new incarnations. Yet the greatest surprise is to see how faithful he remains to his essential self from first to last. Even as he tests and discards literary modes, he consistently rejects external "reality" for the sake of an inner world created by imagination. All his stories, as Hesse himself realized, are concerned primarily with his own secret dreams, his own bitter anguish. Stories of Five Decades, arranged in chronological order, displays the full range of this storytelling as it blossomed over a lifetime.

Author(s): Hermann Hesse  

ISBN 10: 1466835206
ISBN 13: 9781466835207
Pages: 328
Publication: 1/22/2013
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Other books by Hermann Hesse

1. Augustus, Der Dichter [and] Ein Mensch Mit Namen Ziegler Paperback (1958/04/01)
2. Aus Indien Paperback - German (September 2011)
3. Ausgewählte Briefe. (2000/08/31)
4. Autobiographical Writings Hardcover (1972/01/01)
5. Autobiographical Writings (1973/04/19)
6. Autobiographische Schriften: Wanderung, Kurgast, Die Nürnberger Reise, Tagebücher. 11, Teil 1 Hardcover
7. Bajo LA Rueda Paperback (1998/10/01)
8. Bajo La Rueda (Spanish Edition) (December 1997)
9. Bajo las ruedas Paperback (1998/02/02)
10. Baume: Betractungen und Gedichte Paperback (1/1/1984)
11. Beneath the Wheel Paperback (July 2003)
12. Beneath the Wheel Paperbound (July 1983)
13. Beneath the Wheel (1988)
14. Beneath The Wheel Hardcover (1968)
15. Beschreibung Einer Landschaft Book (January 1971)
16. Betrachtungen und Berichte 1. 1899-1926.: 13, Teil 1
17. Betrachtungen und Berichte 2. 1927-1961.: 14, Teil 2

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