Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: Incredible Cross-Sections

Peeling back layers to reveal cockpits, engines, hyperdrives, construction secrets, and much more, the Star Wars: Episode III Incredible Cross-Sections is a must-have for any Star Wars fan. From the smallest detail of the Trade Federation Cruiser to the thundering of a Republic Battle tank, this is the most definite guide to the vehicles and spaceships of Episode III.

About the Author:
Dr. Curtis Saxton is the author of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections.
Highly acclaimed illustrators, Richard Chasemore and Hans Jenssen have co-illustrated four Star Wars Cross-Sections and three Inside the Worlds of Star Wars books for DK.

Author(s): Curtis Saxton  

ISBN 10: 0756611296
ISBN 13: 9780756611293
Pages: 32
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