
A fascinating look at what life is like living under Sharia law, the Islamic code of conduct. Bradbury has seen it first hand and suffered at the hands of it. He tells it as it is and what to expect. Do you know what Sharia law is? Have you ever considered what it would be like to live under Sharia law? If not, you should. One only has to look at the statistics showing the rise of Islam in the world today to see it is only a matter of time before Sharia comes to us all. There is no stopping it. In the future, it will be mandatory for many Western countries, if not all. Sceptics can disagree and look past the politicians who have paved the way for its implementation, but it will happen. But don’t be afraid. Some people are happy with it. They feel it is justified because it does have its good points—it cleanses the soul.

Author(s): Ray C Bradbury  

ISBN 10: 1633233030
ISBN 13: 9781633233034
Pages: 276
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