Remember: The Journey to School Integration

<p>Toni Morrison has collected a treasure chest of archival photographs that depict the historical events surrounding school desegregation. These unforgettable images serve as the inspiration for Ms. Morrison’s text—a fictional account of the dialogue and emotions of the children who lived during the era of “separate but equal” schooling. Remember is a unique pictorial and narrative journey that introduces children to a watershed period in American history and its relevance to us today.<br> Remember will be published on the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision ending legal school segregation, handed down on May 17, 1954.</p> <p><strong>Winner of the 2005 Coretta Scott King Author Award</strong> </p>

Author(s): Toni Morrison  

ISBN 10: 061839740X
ISBN 13: 9780618397402
Pages: 80
Format: Hardcover
Publication: May 2004
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Other books by Toni Morrison

1. A Mercy Paperback (August 2009)
2. A Mercy MP3 Book (November 2008)
3. A Mercy Hardcover (November 2008)
4. A Mercy Paperback (November 2008)
5. A Mercy Compact Disc (November 2008)
6. A Mercy Hardcover (November 2008)
7. Amor/ Love Hardcover (February 2004)
8. Amor/ Love Paperback (2005/01/31)
9. An Interview With Toni Morrison Audio (1987/06/01)
10. Beloved (1905)
11. Beloved (1989/08/01)
12. Beloved (1988/07/08)
13. Beloved

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