Pollo con Ciruelas

Set in pre-revolutionary Iran, Pollo con ciruelas tells the story of Nasser Ali Khan, a famous musician who sets out to die after losing his ability to take pleasure in life. Family and friends try to dissuade him, but Khan's mind is made up: why live when even his favorite dish, chicken with prunes, has lost its flavor? This book is a stirring mix of humor and heartbreak.

Author(s): Marjane Satrapi  

ISBN 10: 1594971811
ISBN 13: 9781594971815
Pages: 88
Format: Paperback
Publication: June 2006
Edition: Spanish-language Edition
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Other books by Marjane Satrapi

1. Ajdar Paperback (December 05, 2006)
2. AJDAR Hardcover (2006)
3. Ajdar (January 2002)
4. Bordados Paperback (1/1/2005)
5. BORDADOS Paperback (October 2005)
6. Broderies Book (January 2003)
7. Chicken with Plums Paperback (April 2009)
8. Chicken with Plums Hardcover (October 2006)
9. Chicken with Plums (January 2006)
10. Embroideries Paperback (April 2006)
11. Embroideries Hardcover (April 2005)
12. Embroideries (2005/05/19)
13. Monsters Are Afraid of the Moon Hardcover (September 2006)
14. Pers?polis, tome 1 Paperback (2002)
15. Persepolis (2003/05/22)
16. Persepolis Paperback (2004/06/01)
17. Persepolis Paperback (7/28/2004)
18. Persepolis Paperback (8/28/2004)
19. Persepolis Paperback (2004/12/30)
20. Persepolis Paperback (2004)

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