Pokemon Go (The Ultimate Guide!)

So what’s the difference between Pokémon and Pokémon Go? Well, in the original Pokémon game, players travel a fictional world in order to collect Pokémon creatures but thanks to a combination of GPS, augmented reality, and dorky-cute graphics, the creators of this ever popular game have upped the ante and made the game more fun by letting players catch Pokémon creatures in the very world we live in! This is Pokémon Go. It's an iPhone and Android game that's quickly sweeping the world, and we've got all your burning questions about the game answered as well as the tips, tricks, and cheats you need to catch 'em all! We can’t wait to dive in! Are you ready?

Author(s): Steve Smalls  

ISBN 10: 1535289023
ISBN 13: 9781535289023
Pages: 26
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