Playing With Fire: Book 2 of the 1st Freak House Trilogy (Volume 2)

Hannah Smith thinks she's safe now that Reuben Tate is set to face trial. But when an unusual creature is let loose on the Freak House estate, everybody is in danger, including Jack. To hunt it down, the household must take risks, but the greatest risk is to Hannah's heart. She's in danger of falling deeply in love with Jack, a man whose very touch can kill her.

Author(s): C.J. Archer  

ISBN 10: 098748995X
ISBN 13: 9780987489951
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Other books by C.J. Archer

1. Ashes To Ashes (Ministry of Curiosities) (Volume 5)
2. Banished: Book 2 of the 3rd Freak House Trilogy (Volume 2)
3. Beyond The Grave (The Ministry of Curiosities) (Volume 3)
4. Edge Of Darkness (The 2nd Freak House Trilogy) (Volume 3)
5. From The Ashes (Ministry of Curiosities) (Volume 6)
6. Ghost Girl: Book 1 of the 3rd Freak House Trilogy (Volume 1)
7. Grave Expectations
8. Heart Burn: Book 3 of the 1st Freak House Trilogy (Volume 3)
9. Her Majestys Necromancer
10. My Soul To Take: Book 3 of the 3rd Freak House Trilogy (Volume 3)
11. The Last Necromancer (The Ministry of Curiosities) (Volume 1)
12. The Mapmaker's Apprentice
13. The Memory Keeper: Book 1 of the 2nd Freak House trilogy (Volume 1)
14. The Watchmakers Daughter

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