Pills, Powders and Potions: A History of Medication

Find out inside: Why are doctors sometimes called quacks? How can the foxglove plant help heart disease? Why were snails and brown sugar important for sore throats? <p>How did people in ancient times treat illnesses? What medicines did they use? How did scientists search for cures? How have pills, powders, and potions developed throughout history? Find out the answers in this book. What's inside? Eye-catching, photographs, Fascinating news reports, Real-life stories.</p>

Author(s): John Townsend  

ISBN 10: 1410925455
ISBN 13: 9781410925459
Pages: 48
Format: Paperback
Publication: 8/28/2006
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Other books by John Townsend

1. 101 Things You Didn't Know about Your Body Paperback (July 2011)
2. 101 Things You Didn't Know about Your Body Library Binding (July 2011)
3. ?Quien aprieta tus botones?: Como manejar la gente dificil en tu vida Paperback (April 2006)
4. A Bit of a Shambles (Spirals) Applicable (1997)
5. A Lot of Old Codswallop (Spirals) Applicable (1999)
6. A Maggot in the Mouthwash (New Spirals - Plays) (2003/02/23)
7. A Matter Of Survival: Properties of Matter Hardcover (2005/12/05)
8. A Painful History of Childhood Hardcover (September 2006)
9. A Painful History of Crime Set Paperback (September 2009)
10. A Painful History of Medicine Hardcover (September 2006)
11. A Painful History of Medicine Set Library Binding (September 2005)
12. A Weird History of Science Hardcover (September 2006)
13. Acids and Bases (Raintree Freestyle: Material Matters) (2005/10/10)
14. Amazing Animal Communicators Paperback (7/1/2012)
15. Amazing Animal Helpers Paperback (7/1/2012)
16. Amazing Animal Movers Paperback (7/1/2012)
17. Amazing Animal Senses Paperback (7/1/2012)
18. Amazing Animal Survivors Paperback (7/1/2012)
19. Amazing Predators Paperback (7/1/2012)
20. Amphibians (Incredible Creatures) Hardcover (2005/09/23)

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