P. I. on a hot tin roof

<p>When PI Talba Wallis gets a frantic phone call from Orleans Parish Prison, the last person she expects to hear from is her boss's lawyer daughter, Angie. Popped for drug possession, Angie insists the drugs were planted. She's a target for representing a neighborhood group protesting the illegal commercial use of a marina by its owner, Judge Buddy Champagne. According to Angie, the judge is dirty---and he's the one who had her set up.</p> <p>Talba and her boss, Eddie, are outraged---knowing Angie as they do, they pull out all the stops for her. And when Talba goes undercover as a housekeeper for Judge Champagne, she finds a household straight out of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, with the judge playing Big Daddy. The weak son and the hot daughter-in-law are in residence, being "between jobs." Big Mama's absent, though---she died some time ago, and the judge is now adding his fiancée to the mix. That would be Miss Kristin LaGarde, an impossibly lovely, and possibly innocent, young lady who seems hopelessly in love with the old coot.</p> <p>Talba dredges up lots of interesting material; such as that someone was accidentally electrocuted at the marina and that the judge is in bed with certain bail bondsmen. She finds evidence of bribes and kickbacks. He's dirty all right.</p> <p>When the story breaks and the scandal deepens, Judge Champagne winds up dead. And, to her surprise, Talba is asked to investigate. Did politics kill the judge? Or was it his own family?</p>

Author(s): Julie Smith  

ISBN 10: 0765312557
ISBN 13: 9780765312556
Pages: 304
Format: Hardcover
Publication: 2005/08/01
Edition: 1
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Other books by Julie Smith

1. 50 Hikes in the Sierra Nevada: Hikes and Backpacks from Lake Tahoe to Sequoia National Park Paperback (June 01, 2009)
2. 82 Desire Hardcover (1998/09/01)
3. 82 Desire (1999/03/01)
4. 82 Desire Paperbound (1999/09/01)
5. 82 Desire (Skip Langdon Series #8) Paperback (June 1999)
6. Adam and Eve (2003/01/31)
7. Boneyard Blues Hardcover (2004)
8. Classic Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle: Always Othello (November 2002)
9. Crescent city kill Hardcover (1997/08/01)
10. Crescent City Kill Paperbound (1998/09/01)
11. Dead in the Water Paperbound (1993/11/01)
12. Dead in the Water (2005)
13. Death Turns a Trick Hardcover (1982/11/01)
14. Death Turns a Trick Paperbound (1992/04/01)
15. Death Turns a Trick (1985)
16. Elijah, God&#39;s Brave Prophet ( )
17. Europe&#39;s Elected Parliament Paperback (1999)
18. Experiencing Animal Minds: An Anthology of Human-Animal Encounters Paperback (11/27/2012)
19. Hearts for the Homeless Paperback (March 2012)

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