Night Storm (Night Trilogy #3)

Dear Reader,

You met Alec Carrick in Night Fire. He returns full force-and believe me, this man's got force—in Night Storm, the third novel of the Night Trilogy which I wrote in the Fall of 1988.

The Paxtons are shipbuilders in Baltimore. Alec Carrick is an English nobleman who wants to buy them out. Genny Paxton isn't at all what she seems. She dresses like "Eugene" and wants to build her own sailing ships without male interference. Alec, a man of great insight, knows exactly what lies beneath those britches. He gets Genny's goat more times than she can count.

This is a love story filled with wit, humor, and outrageous circumstance. It's got more unexpected spins than a roulette wheel. Then there's five-year-old Hallie, Alec's daughter, a charmer who will take hold of your heart and never let go.

Do enjoy Alec and Genny—and let me know which of the novels in the Night Trilogy you like best.

The final volume of Catherine Coulter's bestselling Night Trilogy introduces free-spirited and lovely Eugenia Paxton, whose life is capsized when her father's Maryland shipyard sinks into debt. To the rescue comes dashing British sea captain Alec Carrick--who has more than business on his mind! Original.

Author(s): Catherine Coulter  

ISBN 10: 0380756234
ISBN 13: 9780380756230
Pages: 400
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Other books by Catherine Coulter

1. Afterglow
2. Aftershocks
3. Backfire (FBI Series #16)
4. Beyond Eden
5. Blindside (FBI Series #8)
6. Blowout (FBI Series #9)
7. Bombshell (An FBI Thriller)
8. Born to Be Wild
9. Devil's Daughter
10. Devil's Embrace
11. Double Jeopardy: The Target/ The Edge
12. Double Take (FBI Series #11)
13. Earth Song (Song Series)
14. Enigma
15. Evening Star (Star Quartet)
16. False Pretenses
17. Fire Song (Song Series)
18. Forever Yours
19. Hemlock Bay (FBI Series #6)
20. Impulse

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