Music in the school

How do some schools get music so right while others get it so wrong? Janet Mills, a former HMI and teacher, draws on work in more than 800 schools and published research as she seeks to help schools improve their practice - no matter how good it is already. Successful teaching, she argues, is creative, uplifting, enabling, and, above all, rooted in music. The aim of this book is to 'Put the music back into music'.Thought-provoking, challenging, and empowering, this book is an essential read for all those interested in music in schools, including class teachers, instrumental teachers, and researchers. Using informative and entertaining examples and anecdotes, Janet Mills criticizes notions such as 'musical children' and 'musical schools', and comments on the roles of instrumental teachers and so-called 'non-specialists'. She explores how music in school can, and must, interact with music out of school, and considers how to measure progress in music - and how not to. Music in the School is not a step-by-step guide to better teaching, but rather a springboard for consideration, reflection, and action. Anyone who cares about music at school will find this book a powerful tool.

Author(s): Janet Mills  

ISBN 10: 0193223031
ISBN 13: 9780193223035
Pages: 256
Format: Hardcover
Publication: 2005/04/14
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Other books by Janet Mills

1. Arbitration Law Of Canada Practice And Procedure Hardcover, 2005 (2005)
2. Best of All (August 1999)
3. Free of Dieting Forever Paperbound
4. Free of Dieting Forever: 8 Steps to Achieve and Maintain Your Ideal Weight Paperback (1991/02/01)
5. Music in the Primary School Paperback (August 2009)
6. Music in the Primary School Paperback, 1993 (1993)
7. Music in the school Book (April 2005)
8. Reading with Rhythm Paperback (January 2013)
9. Sundance Paperback (2003)
10. Sundance (December 1999)
11. The Power of a Woman : Timeless Thoughts on a Woman's Inner Strengths Hardcover (1994/06/28)
12. The Sweetest Gift (August 2000)

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