Minecraft Secret Agent: Minecraft Notes from a Secret Agent (Minecraft Detective, Minecraft Crime, Minecraft Mystery Books, Minecraft Thriller, Minecraft Mystery)

A secret agent discovers which cops are corrupt. Officer Trevor is put on a secret assignment to find out who or what has been breaking into the bureau’s storage room. He starts a search that leads him to an evil villain, a shooting, and a massive ghast attack on the city. Will Trevor and the commissioner be able to save the city from a terrible fate? Quickly start reading or listening to this action-packed Minecraft book! Keywords: Minecraft books, Minecraft book, Minecraft journal, Minecraft journals, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft ghast, Minecraft ghasts, Minecraft detective, Minecraft crime, Minecraft crimes, Minecraft mystery, Minecraft thriller, Minecraft mystery book, Minecraft action, Minecraft detective book

Author(s): Billy Miner  

ISBN 10: 1533342520
ISBN 13: 9781533342522
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