Memoirs of Hadrian

<p>Both an exploration of character and a reflection on the meaning of history, <i>Memoirs of Hadrian</i> has received international acclaim since its first publication in France in 1951. In it, Marguerite Yourcenar reimagines the Emperor Hadrian's arduous boyhood, his triumphs and reversals, and finally, as emperor, his gradual reordering of a war-torn world, writing with the imaginative insight of a great writer of the twentieth century while crafting a prose style as elegant and precise as those of the Latin stylists of Hadrian's own era.</p> <p>A historical novel based on the life of the Emperor Hadrian, in the form of a letter to his adopted grandson, later emperor. </p>

Author(s): Marguerite Yourcenar  

ISBN 10: 0374529264
ISBN 13: 9780374529260
Pages: 408
Format: Paperback
Publication: May 2005
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Other books by Marguerite Yourcenar

1. """A Blue Tale"" and Other Stories" (1996/12/31)
2. A Blue Tale and Other Stories Hardcover (November 1995)
3. A Coin in Nine Hands Paperback (November 1994)
4. A Coin in Nine Hands Paperback (June 1986)
5. A Coin in Nine Hands (1995/06/01)
6. A COIN IN NINE HANDS Hardcover (1983)
7. A Coin in Nine Hands (Black Swan) (1984/10/26)
8. Alexis Hardcover (1984/11/01)
9. Alexis (1984/06/01)
10. Alexis Book (January 1974)
11. Alexis Ou le Traite du Vain Combat, le Coup de Grace Paperback (1978/06/01)
12. Alexis ou le Traite du Vain Combat/ le Coup de Grace (October 1978)
13. Anna Soror (October 1991)
14. Anna, Soror...
15. Anna, Soror...: With an Obsure Man and a Lovely Morning
16. Archives du Nord, le Labyrinthe du Monde Paperback (1998/12/31)
17. Cartas a Sus Amigos (2001/02/01)
18. Comme l'Eau Qui Coule/ Anna Soror/ un Homme Obscur (October 1982)
19. Comme L&#39;eau Qui Coule Book (January 1982)
20. Como se salvo Wang-Fo/ How Wang-Fo was saved Paperback (June 2007)

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