Love for a Lifetime: Building a Marriage That Will Go the Distance

The bestselling Gold Medallion winner Love for a Lifetime has brought hope, harmony, and healing to millions of homes worldwide, giving men and women powerful and biblical insights for building lasting marital harmony. Encouraging and practical, this proven classic is perfect for every husband and wife who want to strengthen and celebrate their marriage relationship.

The joining of husband and wife in marriage is the most fulfilling human relationship possible. There is nothing like being loved unconditionally and intimately, decade after decade, by someone who promises to be there for better or for worse for the remaining days of your lives.

For this reason, nurturing and celebrating each other is the most important investment of time and energy you can make as a couple. And millions around the world can testify, the surest way to preserving a marriage is by applying the principles outlined in God's Word.

With Bible-based insights shared by today's foremost family advocate, Love for a Lifetime is a modern classic. This newly updated edition delivers the wisdom that will bring success to your marriage... for as long as you both shall live.

Story Behind the Book

For every ten marriages in America today, five will end in bitter conflict and divorce. And only one or two couples in ten will achieve what might be called "intimacy" in their marriages. This book helps keep readers from being passive victims in the unfolding drama of their lives together. They can build a stable, satisfying, intimate relationship that will withstand the storms of life. All they need is a little wise counsel...and a burning desire to succeed. Based on information from a panel of successfully married couples, on the research of respected experts in the field, and on the principles endorsed by the Creator of families Himself, Love for a Lifetime is designed to help couples do just that.

"...a must for those who want a strong and lasting marriage."--Christian Retailing.

Author(s): James C. Dobson  

ISBN 10: 1590520874
ISBN 13: 9781590520871
Pages: 128
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Other books by James C. Dobson

1. Bringing up Boys
2. Bringing up Girls: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Women
3. Dobson 2-in-1: Love Must Be Tough/Straight Talk
4. Head over Heals: How to Fall in Love and Land on Your Feet
5. In the Arms of God
6. Love Must Be Tough: New Hope for Families in Crisis
7. Love Must Be Tough: Straight Talk
8. Night Light for Parents: A Devotional
9. The New Hide or Seek: Building Self-Esteem in Your Child
10. The New Strong-Willed Child: Birth Through Adolescence
11. When God Doesn't Make Sense

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