Living Grace: Letting Jesus Be Jesus in You

During his twenty-plus years in ministry, author Wayne Barber has seen believers try to do what they will never be able to do. They never seem to get over the frustration Paul expressed in Romans when he said “when I want to do good, I don't . . . when I try to not do wrong, I do it anyway.” Wayne Barber believes this ongoing angst is due to a lack of real heart understanding (not just mental ascent) when it comes to understanding grace. Grace is not merely a salvation ingredient, but an ongoing requirement for Christian living.The key to joyful Christianity is surrendering to Christ, letting His righteousness flow through us rather than feeling the need to impress Him and earn His approval. Too many of us put ourselves back under law at the cost of our own futility and frustration, succumbing to a performance mentality. Once we come to an understanding how totally rotten and irreparable our flesh is, we can begin to see the only thing good about us is who Christ is inside us.

Author(s): Wayne A. Barber  

ISBN 10: 0805440291
ISBN 13: 9780805440294
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