Living Buddha, Living Christ

Buddha and Christ, perhaps the two most pivotal figures in the history of humankind, each left behind a legacy of teachings and practices that have shaped the lives of billions of people over the course of two millennia. If they were to meet on the road today, what would each think of the other's spiritual views and practices? Thich Nhat Hanh has been part of a decades-long dialogue between the two greatest living contemplative traditions, and brings to Christianity an appreciation of its beauty that could be conveyed only by an outsider. In a lucid, meditative prose, he explores the crossroads of compassion and holiness at which the two traditions meet, and reawakens our understanding of both. "On the altar in my hermitage," he says, "are images of Buddha and Jesus, and I touch both of them as my spiritual ancestors." <p>In lucid, meditative prose, Thich Nhat Hanh, whom many consider to be a "living buddha, " explores the crossroads of compassion and holiness at which the two traditions of Christianity and Buddhism meet, and reawakens readers' understanding of these disciplines. </p>

Author(s): Thich Nhat Hanh  

ISBN 10: 159448239X
ISBN 13: 9781594482397
Pages: 256
Format: Paperback
Publication: March 2007
Edition: 10th Anniversary Edition
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Other books by Thich Nhat Hanh

1. A Pebble for Your Pocket Paperback (April 2010)
2. Coconut Monk Paperback (March 2009)
3. Going Home: Jesus and Buddha as Brothers Paperback (October 2000)
4. Hermitage among the Clouds: An Historical Novel of 14th Century Vietnam Paperback (June 1993)
5. Living Buddha, Living Christ Hardcover (September 1995)
6. The Miracle of Mindfulness
7. The Sun in My Belly Paperback (March 2007)
8. Under the Rose-Apple Tree Paperback (October 2002)

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