La subasta del lote 49 (The Crying of Lot 49)

<p>Un buen día, la señora Edipa Maas se entera de que ha sido nombrada albacea de una inmensa fortuna por su ex amante Pierce, un millonario californiano. Una serie de sorprendentes coincidencias la pondrán sobre la pista de un delirante misterio en el que se cruzan personajes tan estrafalarios como su propio marido.</p>

Author(s): Thomas Pynchon  

ISBN 10: 8483832704
ISBN 13: 9788483832707
Pages: 192
Format: Paperback
Publication: December 2010
Edition: Spanish Language Edition
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Other books by Thomas Pynchon

1. Against the Day Paperback (October 2007)
2. Against the Day Hardcover (November 2006)
3. Against the Day Compact Disc (January 2007)
4. Against the Day Compact Disc (January 2007)
5. Against the Day Compact Disc (January 2007)
6. Against The Day Audio - Unabridged (May 2008)
7. Against The Day (May 2008)
8. Bleeding Edge Hardcover (September 2013)
9. Bleeding Edge Audio Compact Disc - Unabridged (September 2013)
10. Contraluz (Against the Day) Hardcover (September 2010)
11. Crying of Lot 49 Paperbound (1980)
12. Crying of Lot 49 (October 2000)
13. Gravity's Rainbow Paperback (October 2006)
14. Gravity's Rainbow Paperback (June 1995)
15. Gravity's rainbow (1975/02/14)
16. Gravity's rainbow Paperback (2000/01/01)
17. Gravity's Rainbow Paperback (2007/12/20)
18. Gravity's Rainbow Paperback (1973)
19. Gravity's Rainbow (1991/02/01)
20. Gravity&#39;s Rainbow Paperback (1987)

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